i's wanna CHALLENGE Tha Lady to gets a pickshure of hers petting Grr's tummy fur a $10.00 donashun ta Brandi 'n hers Mommie.
Missy wants ta CHALLENGE tha hansum Sir Edmund ta writes a poem to Midnight fur a $10.00 donashun ta Libby Marie's vet bills.
also, Skeezix haf a great new contest 'n he's gonna donate if'n u enters. what a guy!
Maybe you shouldn't wait for hers to wake up, she might not like it!!! Hee! Can't wait to see!
oooh - how 'citing! we wonner if she'll do the Biggy Hissy while wearin' the hat - that'd be cute an mite effun make a funny Christmas card!
I can't wait to see. But if someone tried that on me I'd shake it off very quickly.
Merlin, that's a thought. And Latte, she will shake it off...if we ever get it on her head.
There wasn't much stated about what this challenge involves, just said a picture of Missy with "her lovely self wearing a Santa hat". It didn't actually say the hat had to be on the head. Hmmmm. Course, one end is just as bad as the other. And Charley found some double-sided duct tape. Heh heh.
It could get a little bloody (ours), but it is for a good cause.
Ut oh. This might not be pretty.
Oh boy can't wait fur the fur to fly! My bet is on KC!
Just plop it on her while she's asleep! Hehee!
Mommie sez she not be so sure 'bout doing this now, sounds like u all is wantin a blood fest...?????
hee-hee, i's gonna help distrak Missy whiles they gets tha hat...
I'm thinking these challenges are going to be lots of fun for the beans, but no so much fun for the kitties. Ha, ha. It's high time that we beans turn the tables on our furry masters.
shhhh...those cats might have us eating stinky goodness! on second thought, nah, they'd want it all for themselves. little greedies!
but their little kittie brains could devise something else....
We're looking forward to those photos!
OH MY GOODNESS! we LOVE Missy's attitude about the whole thing - that's adorable. in the last picture, doesn't it look like she's saying "I got rid of Santa and I can do the same to you"
A wonderful effort, and we'll be glad to pay up!
Seems like you were close enough to me! You can't help that it fell off!
Ooh, I don't think you better try getting that hat on Missy again any time soon. She looks really ticked off. That is a great set of pictures.
Ok, technically, we completed the challenge.
Read what The Lady wrote: For instance, our first challenge is going to go like this: We challenge our furrend Missy to post a picture of her lovely self wearing a Santa hat. For this, we'll donate $10.00 to the fund for Brandi and her mom.
Ok, technically, Missy did wear the hat. It was never mentioned that the hat must be on her head. Actually, it was on her head very briefly, but it was photographed about midsection as she made a hasty exit.
Oh, and I didn't mention the wounds incurred as a result of placing the Santa hat on Missy's head. She embedded a tooth/teeth in the palm between the pointer finger and thumb resulting in a semi-deep puncture wound. It is my strong belief she was trying to either severe the thumb or just the tendon that holds it on. Either way --- OUCH.
Uh-oh Missy's looking furry
furr-o-shus, fink that's as gud as yer going to get.
Yeah, challenge completed! Love the cattitude, Missy! I thought she was comin' after ya KC in the next to last pic! Hehee!
KC, you is all well again and looking SO purr-ty......
woo hoo!!
Yeah, the hat was on her, that qualifies! Brandi and Mom will get a donation from me for this challenge as well.
BTW, KC looks GREAT, and Bear is cute as a bug in her coat!
Maybe you should try it when she's sleeping.I don't blame her though I don't like hats either.
Oh my ML! Sorry 'bout your injury. And you did complete the challenge in my opinyan. No head rekwirement was included in the challenge.
Is dat what they call *gettin' yur back up*?
Thanks, Mumma, that's great.
Just remember, to play the CHALLENGE, it can be ANY amount, think from $1 on. Every bit helps and it is lotsa fun.
Grr, Midnight & Cocoa's Mommie sure has some great ideas.
However, she might lose the use of at least one limb carrying out KC's CHALLENGE...to pet Grr's tum. However, I forgot to specify WHAT to pet that tum with...! Uh-oh.
He, he that is so funny. I just love the expressiion on Missy's face. Talk about cattatude!
Oh, she doesn't look at all happy that she was wearing a Santa hat. Too bad. I bet it looked really good on her!
Poor Missy. She is NOT a happy cat!
But at least it wan't you in the hat KC! It looks big enough to swallow you whole!
the Lady did it - with the Grr tummy, that is.
KC you are beginning to look like your old self. Or should I say your young self. I am so very glad you are getting so much better.
Missy you can come over and join Casper in your cattitude pictures anytime. He would love to have you. It's O.K. Missy, Christmas only comes once a year. But at least you showed them by giving the hat a try even if you don't like it.
Sorry ML that Missy took it out on you, but you got to watch out for kitties that aren't very happy. Think I'm going to have to look for the Santy hat I have around here. Bought it for Amber, but she didn't want to wear it either.
well, it WAS on her for a little while, if not azackly on her head . . . we vote "challenge met"!
I agree. The challenge was met. The hat definitely was on Missy. Oh, and the look on Missy's face is priceless. That was one of those "if looks could kill" expressions on her face. Kinda scared me a little. There was some definite attitude there.
Oh, and KC, you are just looking so healthy now. And just as cute as can be. Missy is probably upset with you since you were an accomplice in that challenge. You might better watch out for her.
Barbie-Lou & Taylor
Hi people
I do not know what to give for Christmas of the to friends, advise something ....
Ml i never had to were a santa hat but remindes me of when mama tryed to put on my yammkia for hunnnka shutter poor mamma. I think you win the change KC
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