He winned a reely neat book, "101 Reasons to Dump Your Man and Get a Cat". But -- i can't belief this -- he sended it ta me, which wuz so sweet. Wuzn't that just tha nicest thing? fanks so much, Jack, i's still can't belief u'd gif me ur's purrize.
pee ess: besides being a fearless viking warrior, Jack already be a published author, having written "Vishus Deer of the North" as a service to all cats effurrywhere.
You tease KC! Ooooh, I can't wait to see what it is! Give us a hint...pleeeeeeaasssssse! Pretty please? With a cherry on top? And whip cream? And some catnip sprinkles? Uhhh...
o, Kat, i finks it be froms a furry handsome viking warrior cat.
ooooh - we know sumbuddy that fits that deskripshun!
That sounds like a very exciting package. Please tell us all about it soon.
A packij!!! Cool! Frum Viking warrior cat! Wow!!! What was it? Who is it? Tell tell!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Can't wait to hear what it is!
You are a tease. We will look forward to what you got in the mail!
A surprise! What will be?
Crunchies? Funny toys? Catnip?
[clears throat] Uhhh, we're waaaaiiittinnng! ;)
we fink the hansum Jack must really like you lots! that wuz furry nice of him to do.
How sweet of Jack! Sounds like a funny book! I will have to go and check it out at the library.
That am furry nice of Jack. An I likes yur sleepin spot!
That Jack is such a nice guy.
Jack must be really sweet on you to send you his prize, KC. It sounds like a very funny book.
Thats soooo nice! We wanna know what it is yoo got!!
Can I just add that "Vishus Deer of the North" is the most kompelling thing I've ever red in my life???
That's a happy ending to your story, KC!!!
Kc is Jack sweet on you cause I think you make a great pair.
That is so sweet of Jack. :)
You look very comfortable in the photo.
That was very nice of Jack. I'll have to drop by and check out his book for an article I'm writing...
Jack must reely luv yoo KC to giv yoo his purrize. Yoo are furry lukky.
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