well, furrst
Grr had toesie pickshures (scroll down ta Midnite Monday), then
Jack named it "
Toesday" 'n posted pickshures of him's mighty hunter paws...

...so mine mommie haf to take pickshures of mine paws of many colors. i likes ta sleep wif all my paws 'n my tail snuggled up. (
click ta biggify)
*** Missy, Bear 'n i apologize to Maobert *** Grr, Midnight & Cocoa's Mommie,
The Lady, challenged
Maobert to sees him wearin
Skeezix's boodwahr PINK robe (
see tha comments part fur Meezer Munday)...
...then, mine
Mommie ML offered to match
The Lady's donation cause hers wants ta see tha manly
Mao in a
Skeezix-pink frou-frou robe.
Grr apologized to
Mao. we's sorry too,
Mao, our mommies be crazee, but it be fur a good cause -- little
Libby Marie's vet bills!
Very Pretty paws.
I love your little tough a*s tortie toes!
o, fanks Ariel 'n Emma...i furgits 'bout tha tough a*s tortie... guess it be tough a*s tortie toesday! oh, i furgits tha tummie. maybe next week.
Tummies and toesies
and little tough a*s torties
throw in a tabby and
Tuesdays are rosies!
Those toes are incredible! They don't look fierce at all. My Meowmy says she wants to kiss them!
I can't wait to see Mao in the pink bathrobe, that'll be reeeellly funny!
I like your toes, KC!
o, Latte, my lil paws aren't fierce, jus colorful. mine toe-pads are all different colors...hee-hee. u gonna post a toesie pickshure?
o, Morgen, luvs tha poem. i's got a tabby, too, a big sisfur.
Merlin, i hates to admit it, but i'd likes ta see Mao in tha Skeezix-pink meself. hee-hee.
we luv yur pawsies! we duzzn't haf lotsa purrty colors like you, but we wish we did - most 'specially that Golden Paw.
Ahhh look at dos little footsies!
KC, you've got beautiful toes! I love the different colours of your furs and pawpads (I know I can't see the pawpads in this picture, but they were in the Nov 19 pictures and they're so CUTE!)
And I think they ARE fierce paws, Valkyrie Cat!
Gosh, so many colors. My paws would just be grey & white.
Your friend
Misty E
Those are wonderful toes and wonderful toe pictures. Meowm has to learn to take better pictures of my toes....she has been trying.
Lovely toes. At any rate, I think Mao will handle this with perfect grace.
Just wanted to say thanks for caring about me! u guys are adorable and i luv u! Thanks again!
Those are some cute pawsies, KC - wanna play with me with them?
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