13 fings i likes ta do on a rainy day... KC
- play fetch wif mine camera strap
- munch on kitty grass
- look fur spiders ta chase
- climb wayyyy up on tha cabinet tops
- leap out from behind sumfing 'n skeer someones
- eat Tem-ta-shuns (yum)
- snuggle 'n sleep on Daddie Charley's chest
- climb up tha curtains
- sip Dasini out of a water glass like Missy
- pounce Bear 'n Missy
- climb tha real live fake tree in tha livin room
- play bathtub soccer
- nap under mine silk ivy i's pushed down from tha cabinet top
(see #4)

Those sound like great things to do! And I love the picture!
I don't think I need a rain day to do those!
Wow, what fun! I would like to do the eating Tem-tay-shuns one. I am too old to do some of the other ones though. Except the snuggling one. You can never be too old for snuggling.
Awww KC yu look so comfy!
Gud fings to do on a rainy day...like today.
We have lots of rains.
KC, those are good things to do on a snowy day too! O, anydays for that matter!!
Great list. :) Those all sound like terrific things to do! :) That's a lovely picture as well. :)
I'll have to try some of those. Usually I get stuck napping the whole day away because no one else wants to play.
What fun you have on a rainy day KC! I mostly likes to sleep. Cute picture :)
Today is my first Thursday 13 too!
What fun you have on a rainy day KC! I mostly likes to sleep. Cute picture :)
Today is my first Thursday 13 too!
Nice list ya's gots there KC! I gots my ree-purrter badge ups finally!! And I lefts ya a question there too! I'm excited!
great fings to do- and yummy! tem-tay-shuns
Those things all sound like lots of fun. We love the picture of you taking a nap.
.......is KC stoned?............
kc: that was a great list!
What a great first Thursday Thirteen!
Our 19th TT is up at
Purrchance To Dream
Have a great rainy day!
meow for now,
That sounds like a great way to sopend a rainy day, KC! Can I come over and visit? They're making loud bangy and saw-y noises in the people bathroom, and my OTW won't make them stop 'cause she says thay're fixing the sink that's been broken since July and she's tired of washing her hands in the bathtub.
Hehee, KC stoned! Look! My picture is showing up now! Yeah!
Now, wait a minute!!! I was just over at Daisy's and my picture showed up with my comment!! What is up!?! I'm very frustrated now!
That's reely a grate list, KC! Yer a natchurul Thursday Thirteen!
See if the photo shows up here, using the new blogger account...
what a cute picture! we wish we could climb curtains too ::sigh::
Are you trying to hide in the jungle there KC? Purrs.
Wow, and you still hab time for a nap. You are one organized kitty.
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