Tuesday's ice storm arrived Wednesday, temps stayed at freezing all day,
never made the "high" of 38F predicted!
[Note: in Houston, any Winter weather is a Big Deal] There was a tissue thin sheet of ice on everything...
...found a couple of icicles.
Missy thought it was great weather... for sleeping in.
The Tuxie Twins came out tonight when it warmed up to 35 F.
They stayed warm & dry in their custom-crafted shelter on the porch.
Brrrr! our Lady ackshully hadded ice rocks fall outta the sky at her werk today an a little farther norf they ackshully hadded REAL SNOW. it wuz close enuf ta drive to but she didn't on account of she hadta drive the offur direckshun ta come home an feed us an that's more 'portant of corse.
Missy, you look so cuddly snuggly an purrty! we wanna see sum picshures of the tuxie twins too!
Great sleepin weather is right!
I am studying those pictures of ice, very interesting! I hopes you stay warm!
KC - You got some vermin control to do this mornin', lol! And my youngest, Jude wants to know if we can come over and I can hold him up so he can grab one of those icecicles! Missy, you got the right idea! Wanna trade places, I'd love to have a few good naps today! ;)
Nice pictures, be careful out there on the ice.
Brr! That ice looks cold! I think Missy has the right idea!
Oh no...I think that might be coming our way!
Ice is nice, in a drink. Dat's whut mom sez. Be careful driving on dat icy stuff.
Was it 13 degrees outside?! Brrrrrrr!
Be very careful with the ice!!! It'd be very dangerous if you fall down!! It's snowing here again at our house in Iowah.
I'm glad the twins stayed warm! And I think Missy has the right idea!
We have been seeing all the icy stuff on the big picher box.
I'm with Missy! We're supposed to have freezing rain and/or snow tomorrow!
Stay warm guys. That icy stuff is no good. Even the white fluffy stuff isn't always fun.
I agree with Emma, you have some vermin to control over here.
We had frozen water fall out of the sky two nights ago. I stayed up all night cause I could hear it in the rain gutter making clunky noises. Mom's car was so frozen the windows wouldn't come down! But today was much nicer, but still to cold for me! Tara
Aha, now I know what vermin you were talking about (well, Derby's explanatory email did help a bit ha-ha)
Thank you, Kat and Derby,
Guess I was so excited about the ice, I didn't even notice the comments... just paranoid about those shrubs outside, hee -hee.
I am glad you have a nice warm binky to snuggle into! Meow!
Wow that is great! I'd love ice over there, it's so hot! And as far as sleeping weather goes, according to cats I think MOST weather is great sleeping weather, regardless of hot or cold! :D
Missy, you have the right idea - nice & cozy inside!
China Cat & Willow
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