Here is the Formerly Feral Cat with her beloved camera strap.
She is waiting for me to throw it for her.

This blurry action shot shows the intrepid cat racing back with her trophy.

KC suddenly popped up right in front of the camera; I thought she was across the room.
Biggify this picture for the full effect I got thru the camera viewfinder!
Scroll down ta Sunday or click here ta see Missy's noo quilt!
Great action! Camera straps are so much fun to play with! Tara
We loves camera straps too!
KC, you look so adorable in that first photo! The effect of your pupils in the last photo is very cool!
Camera straps are fun to play with! I wonder if I can convince my mom to take the strap off the camera for me to play with?
Hahahaha! KC gots the "wild eyes" in that last photo. I like camera straps too, but my Mommie won't take it off the camera to play with. She just dangles it in front of me to get my attention when she is trying to take a picture of me.
Look at those booteefull big eyes! KC yu are so purrty.
hehehe, yoo foold yoor mom! Doze iz some big eyez yoo haf, KC.
Oh what a hunting photo you have! I don't get camera straps. I guess cause we don't have a camera with a strap but they look cool.
What a lot of fun you had KC!!! We bet you skeered your Mom in dat last foto!!!
Luf, Us
Oh, what fun! We Love camera straps too!
China Cat & Willow
Me and mommy play the fetch game too
with my pink ball.
Great game KC! Camera straps rule!
Hehehe I fink yoo startled yore Mommy, KC. You's still a wild kitty at heart!
You got your own camera strap????!!! I'm so green. I keep trying to steal DKM's but she won't let me have it!
Wonderful pictures, wonderful kitten-cat! KC, you are growing into a beautiful young lady cat. All of us are very happy for you and your family.
That's funny - she likes camera straps? I've never tried those ... Cute photos!
KC, you are such a pretty pretty kitty! You photograph really well!!
Grr chews the Blonde Girl's camera strap and cell phone strap. I wish I could get my teeth on one - I love playing fetch just like you do KC.
i like to take a swipe at da lenz cap dat iz connected to da camera. dat makez it sumwut difficult fer mi mom to take a good pikshur uv me sumtimez.
KC, I"m losing my mind! So what's new, lol. I could've sworn I left you a comment yesterday! Oh well! So here is my comment:
So you and Emma are fetchers! It's great fun, isn't it! Love those big round eyes of yours. Did you surprise your mombean? Love MBE's quilt too!
You have the most expressive face efur!! No wonder your Momma loves you so.
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