On August 17th, 2006, Theo arrived at our house, snuggled in his Green Wall Shelter Blanket, holding his birth certificate.

Here is Theo today, with his original GWS Blanket...

...all bundled up for a good night's sleep.

(more about Theo tomorrow!)

Here is Theo today, with his original GWS Blanket...

...all bundled up for a good night's sleep.

(more about Theo tomorrow!)
Hi Theo! Good to see you again! I like your blankie - you look very cozy.
Hi Theo!
We're glad to see you got a good home too. We still have our blankies too but we're thinkin maybe we should get snuggly crocheted blankies. What do you think?
Squillions Onyx & Mac @ HotMBC
Hi Theo, yoo gots a furry good home. It's good to meets yoo and can't wate to hear more 'bout yoo.
Hey there Theo! For some reason I remember you being a ginger. Sorry about that! Look how little KC was when you first arrived! Now I'm sure she's grown bigger than you. Can't believe it's been what, 7 months since you all arrived?!
Hi Theo, it's me, Midnight, one of the squillions! Gosh, Mom didn't save MY blanket!
Hi Theo! Happy Squillions Day!! You look very warm and cuddly in your blankie.
Luf, Us
Hi Theo, my bro. Happy Squillion Day buddy.
Love, Vir-ginger
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