Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sleepy Sunday

Here, KC demonstrates the Monty-180-Degree-Twist...

... while Missy shows off the Modified-Monty.


Emma's Kat said...

Hehee, you girls are too cute! KC, your tummy looks extra soft!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Very nice variation on a monty. Nice tummy's too.

Tara said...

Great Montys!


Kimo and Sabi said...

After yer naps, come by and visit us and welcome our cousin Jade - she gots her own bloggie now!

Daisy said...

Those are some very good Montys!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

The modified Monty? Looks like the FULL Monty to me! Hee Hee

Samantha & Mom said...

Great poses you two, very nice form and you look sssoooooooooo relaxed.
Have a restful Sunday.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Artsy Catsy said...

Hey, my mom was doing those same poses on the floor this morning! She said it was "yoga" and I thought she said "yogurt" and started licking her face.


Just Ducky said...

I probably do the modified monty more than the regular full monty. I am not on my back but on my side.

caspersmom said...

KC sure hope you didn't hurt yourself with all that twistin. Missy, pretty girl, that looks like a full blown Monty to me. Oh, you will have to come over to my site and see me practicing for my song. I'm getting it down pretty good, although Mom says it sounds like a lot of yowling to her. What does she know in the art of cat singing.


Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Hey! Why can I click and biggify Missy's picture and not yours KC?

Or are you trying to protect me from falling over again looking at you?

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

Oh, I posted my confessions FINALLY!! It was really really hard! I'm a good cat!! But Played some really really fun tricks on my OTW so I finally had something to confess!

Merlin said...

Those are furry nice tummies!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Grate monty show! We give it two paws up!

The Cat Realm said...

Very cute! We do love the 180 degree twist, Anastasia likes to perform that a lot too....

Ingrid said...

Come on let's twist again ! Very cute pictures. we have a new kitten Rosie 6 weeks old if you want to look at her but don't behave like Arthur he is afraid of this mini cat !