Good news about Margaret: She did not have a stroke, she did not accidentally overdose on meds... she has a severe infection, fever, and a lot of pain from the tumor removal on the liver. She will remain in the hospital for a week or longer so they can monitor her progress and keep her on pain medication.
Such a pretty kitty. Why are you being shy?
that IS great news - purrrrrrs and love for Margaret!
(hey KC - you're almost a year old! how're ya gonna cellybrate?)
Cute toes!
We are purraying and purraying for Margaret. Hopefully she gets released soon.
That's good news about Margaret!
And KC, honey, you look sooooo adorable there!
Very cute photo, KC. :)
I will keep Margaret in my prayers.
I am glad to hear that Margaret is doing better. I am going to keep purring for her until she is all better.
Thats great to know...whew!
that is great news about Margaret!
you is looking furry shy today KC
Get well soon Margaret!
She is so cute holding her golden paw!
Yoo's so cute KC :)
We's glad Margret can get pain stuffs frum the hawspittle. If they don't gots enuff, maybe we culd brake owr own rool and get her sum frum the spammers cuz she reely needs them. We'll send her lotsa purrs long the way.
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Sleepy time KC. Prayers going up for Margaret.
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