(She found the bag of catnip, opened it and spilled it everywhere!)
Weekend Cat Blogging New Year’s Edition: Kashim & Othello at Paulchen’s
(see the week’s& host to enter your WCB post in the comments for the weekend roundup)
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos at
Zed Monster at Bad Kitty Cats Festival Home
Optional Theme - Feathers or Birds
(submit your post here)
The Carnival of the Cats is going home
to the King of the Catbloggers, Laurence Simon,
Sunday Evening
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Mama Tortie shows some tortitude! Helping yourself to catnip sounds like fun.
I think Torties are the most beautiful!
Well, the little tortie has adopted us. I'm trying to think of a pretty name for her, she is so precious and dainty and yet fearless and aggressive.
When Missy and KC are sitting in the living room, knowing they are THE house cats, she prances in and sets herself right down beside them. I think she means to stay.
Tortie is so adorable~!!!!!!!
I like seeing her turning around with nip~!
Mama Tortie was smart to get into the nip all by herself!
Leave it to a Tortie!
Ah, another bad a$$ tortie! Mom told dad awhile ago to come look at da pretty tortie kitty, she said it so many times dat dad started looking and saying ders dat pritort kitty-hehehe dad's weerd.
Oh, Mama Torti looks likes she has had enough nip....for a little while! :)
Those fluffy babies are adorable. We might not be posting for a while...since Mommy is going "across the pond" tonight.
Purrs and Happy New Year to everyone!
We still can't get enough of the kitten pictures!
Those babies are so cute and have such great tortitude.
must have torties... i wish i could take them all *sigh*...
You are getting some really great photos lately. These are just precious.
You could name her Precious!
Dems cute baby kittys.
wow where did all those kittens come from? i wish i had some kittens to play with in my house. the tortie ones are so cute, my Bean has a soft spot for Torties.
hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Hummmmms I fink Baby Tortie looks lots like somecat else I knows. hehehe Torties are purrty :)
Soooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!
Awww sweet adorable photos :)
Looks like it was a fun nipfest.
jan's funny farm
Kittens are so cute!
It looks like one of the mites looks like Adan. Goodness they are getting big. Gosh Missy I was so sorry to hear about you being sick, but oh so very glad that you are doing O.K. Can't have my pretty Missy sick. Love your pic and KC's picture with the santa hat. So becoming on you Missy. Have to agree with your Mom, little Tortie looks like she could be KC's little one. Missy sure hope you and Tortie Mom are not getting into arguments. Although I hope you put her in her place that you are Queen of the house and KC is princess.
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