April 15, 1991 - January 20, 2008
Storm's Carnival entry this week is a tribute to Caesar.Sorry for the delay, but we had a power outage most of the afternoon.
Sanjee left a lovely tribute on the Cat Blogosphere.
Check out Sophia's In Memoriam to Caesar.
Kavan suggested using tomorrow's post, for Mancat Monday,
as a way for each cat to post a tribute to Caesar.
KC did manage to make a batch of her famous mouse cupcakes
and piping hot tuna wassail to warm every cats tummy.
So help yourself and we hope you enjoy the carnival.

Chey proved she is quite the wiley politician when she countered Hillary's tears with one better. Hee hee.
Laurence learned some people didn't think Edloe was a real cat.
Ferdinand shares a little advice on the importance of "the look".
We have an artistic cat who created a cat masterpiece of art. Maybe we should have an art festival?
While Luna is all packed for the move, her beans are not.
Last week, Henry could sit in his window and enjoy fresh air and sunshine. This week... brrr!
Mimi turned four this week and Ted appears to be plotting.
Some cats made a mess. Like the Turkey Cats, with all their toys out!
And Ruse enjoying the way Audace re-decorated their house.
Naps are always popular! Check out the sleeping position at The Ivy Files.
Tigger has an interesting sleep position, too!
Pixel and Pica snuggle for a nap.
Gypsy is in a comfy position for a nap after she and Tasha won an award.
Eric enjoys a Sunday snuggle with his DadBean.
The price of being a housecat... Tiny is awakened to have her picture taken.
Empress discovered Queen Snickers favorite sleeping spot. Uh-oh.
Puddy got HER bed back (i.e., the house guest left).
Of course, food is right up there with the naps.
Cece is back to his old tricks of mooching; sometimes he brings a friend!
Certain she's being poisoned, Bonnie has Victor eat first, then checks his health.
As usual, there are photos of gorgeous and handsome.
Peanut is lethal, fearless and terminally cute.
Speaking of cute, check out Dragonheart and his little brother, Merlin.
More unbearable cuteness with Mo & Jasmine (Jasmine and KC could be sisters).
And the beautiful Hakuna greets the day with a poem.
The lovely Miss Caitie strikes a pose and Abby ponders.
K T Cat shows off a beautiful Maximum Leader who might become a lap cat.
Beans are very important. Nikita got the most amazing cat tower this week.
Sanjee has photographic proof that Mom Robyn is feeling better.
A shadowy figure has a request for his MomBean.
And Gattina had a very early and busy morning with a hungry (and loud) cat.
The LOL Cat Bible presents Lectionary Readings for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany.
Read the next entry in Big Tom's Secret Journal, the first day at Homebase.
See cats in political statements at Watermark.
Finally, you must read Beauty Tips from LOLCats. Very funny.

Well, that's it for this week.
Hope you enjoyed it.
Next week the Carnival will be hosted at Bad Kitty Cats,
which is always a fun place.
The Carnival of the Cats needs hosts for April, May and June.
It's fun and easy -- as long as the power stays on.
Click here for more information.
Hope you enjoyed it.
Next week the Carnival will be hosted at Bad Kitty Cats,
which is always a fun place.
The Carnival of the Cats needs hosts for April, May and June.
It's fun and easy -- as long as the power stays on.
Click here for more information.
i'se just wanna say that i'se made a tribute to Caeser for my CoC entry xxx
Hi everyone here is ours!
We are so heartbroken about Caesar. We'll be doing a post tomorrow and Tigger is going to dedicate the M-Cat Club to him!!
Your FL furiends,
oh i forgot my link...for caeser
We wanted to dedicate this week's Carnival of the Cats to Caesar, too.
Kavan suggested dedicating the Monday Mancat posts to him (it's on Sunday's Noos), and we are going to do that as well.
Now, to try to get the Carnival up and on its way. We've had a power outage this afternoon. Yikes.
Stopping in to say meow.
Great Carnival Missy, KC, Sol & Smokey!! You did a wonderful job and the mouse cupcakes and tuna wassail was great. Thanks for hosting the COTC's!
Your FL furiends,
I have thought the same thing about KC and Jasmine being sisters. I love a tortie!
This fellow Catster says thanks for the inclusion!
Also Daddy, and I send our condolences regarding Caeser.
Nicely done!
Sheesh, we furgot to comment on Sunday. GRATE job, specially in the dark. Yall are amazin! :)
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