Friday, January 18, 2008

What's Going On?

Sol: Hey, Smokey, wake up! Come on, wake up!
Sol: Do you see what I see????
Smokey: Wowie, I sure do!


KC: i's dunno whats goin on, but i'll find out an reepurrt back when i do!
KC: okays, they's bof asleep in the floor beds,
and there's sumfing beside Smokey (right),
see at tha very bottom of the picture.....
KC: look! Wow. but who could it be?
still doesn't 'splain what they was looking at from tha skybox.

Hmmmm, just read tha comment from Grr, Midnight & Cocoa...
they know who tha mysterious photo is.
i's went to theirs bloggie an fings are starting to make sense.
Gotta check one more fing...
yup... here's what was on tha computer this morning....
they was looking at lil Riley. Hmmmm.
looks like she joined the LoveCafe just like Sol & Smokey.
i's gotta haf a talk with those boys. O, boys... boys.....
KC: what's goin on wif you two? i knows about tha Love Cafe.
Sol: :: blushing:: i's want Miss Riley to be mine Valentine girl cat.
Smokey: :: looking at floor :: so do i.
KC: well, if either of you is going to have a Valentine, you'd better get busy. Miss Riley is a beauty and there be lotsa kitties wanting her fur a Valentine.
Sol and Smokey: 'k, we'll go tell Miss Riley how we's feel.
KC: well, boys, which one of you asked Miss Riley to be his Valentine?
KC: Sol, Smokey, what happened?
Sol: Err, we kinda... started fighting over Miss Riley.
Smokey: Yeah, jus being beside hers like that, i.. i couldn't help it.
Sol & Smokey: Now she won't want either of us. Sigh.
KC: So you had a fight over Miss Riley at the LoveCafe? For all the Cat Blogosphere to see?
Sol & Smokey: [both looking at floor] Yes.
KC: Hmmm, i'll haf to think on this for awhile. Maybe some of our furriends out there will have some advice on what to do now...?


Board the Friday Ark at The Modulator (submit post here)

Weekend Cat Blogging with Sher & Upsie at What Did You Eat
(see week’s host to enter your WCB post in comments for weekend roundup)

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos with Mz. Mog & Kitty Cats at Mind of Mog
Optional Theme - Tummy Poses
(submit post here)

Coming Sunday 1/20 - 6-ish p.m.
Hosted by KC, Missy, Sol, Smokey, et al
(submit post here)


Samantha & Mom said...

Oh yes, we want to know what they see, too! Is it okay to add the Tuxies at your house to The TGH?
Samantha and Tigger

Daisy said...

What's going on? I am very curious!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Hmm, what's going on? Sol and Smokey look interested in something!

The Meezers or Billy said...

it looks like something might get pounced

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

OH wow - what could it be?!?!

Parker said...

Being a true cat, you have to know that I am highly curious!!!

Tybalt said...

Ooooh . . . I wonder what is happening!

Anonymous said...

oooh, I know that picture! ::blush::

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh she is lovely, isn't she boys?

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh dear. well, all 3 of you is furry young, and maybe you should just be friendly valentines this year - bof of you boys and Miss Riley.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

When a very young kitten signs up for the Love Cafe, it is just for having a special valentine to send a card to, just like kids in grade school. We'll leave all the grown-up cat problems to the grown-up cats. Here we just have a couple of hyperactive little boy-cats who have a school boy crush on the same little girl-cat.

Jimmy Joe said...

HAHAHAHA! Oh man, those poor li'l guys. Yep, it's hard being a mancat-in-training.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Mickey's Musings said...

Fighting???????? Here??? Wow, younger generation!!! This Love Cafe is something to watch .I'll have to go over to see the excitement,heh,heh,heh!!!
Purrs Mickey

The Wanderer said...

Kitty time outs make Momma think she is punishing us, but we just use it for naps. ;)

Ingrid said...

I also ask what is going on ? Haven't thought about Valentin's day at all I hope my five won't look for a partner, lol!

Victor Tabbycat said...

KC, Kukka-Maria had her Tomcat Stable... And Bonnie has Bombay and Chase, but they agreed she can see bof of them cuz they's furiends. Bombay's typist has been unavailable fur a long time, but he's still crazy bout Bonnie... emfasis on CRAZY.

Boy said...

Don't fight over Wiwey! I'm evewyone will find a wonderful vawentine!

The Cat Realm said...

Now who was the card addressed too???
I think the Single Kitties Love Cafe is a wonderful new thing to have! If only I could keep Emil from trying to look around in there....

snowforest said...

It's going to be tuff for Riley to choose between you two ~ no use fighting though ~ we suggest leave the choice to Riley...