Did you know?
Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day?
It was a day set aside by General John A. Logan on May 30, 1868,
to decorate the graves of those who died in the Civil War.
After World War I, it included all who died in any American war.
Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday in 1971,
to be celebrated the last Monday in May.
There is confusion between Memorial Day and Veterans Day (Nov 11).
Veterans Day honors all veterans, living and dead.
Memorial Day honors the war dead.

- visit cemeteries and place flags or flowers on graves of fallen
- visit memorials
- fly the U.S. Flag at half-staff until noon
- fly the POW/MIA Flag
- join the National Moment of Remembrance at 3 pm local time
- help disabled veterans, widows, widowers, orphans of the fallen
******** HUGS TO EVERYONE *******
** in tribute to Miss Bonnie Underfoot **
Looking very patriotic BJ
very touching tribute!
Happy Memorial Day!
In Canada, we celebrate both (those who gave their lives, and those who serve and continue to serve) on Remembrance Day, November 11th.
What a great picture of BJ. Love your blog today. We visited Arlington Cemetary yesterday to pay tribute to our soldiers who lost their lives.
Your blog is such a great tribute and very informative.
That's a very lovely tribute!
What a lovely Memorial Day post, BJ! Our momma has her flag out in remembrance.
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
We will remember at 3 today.
This has been great information for non-Americans and clueless people :-) Thank you!
You look fabulous, BJ!
What a lovely tribute!
Happy Memorial Day and ((hugs) from me and Kavan!
Today we is amembering...(((hugs)))
Lovely tribute!
Luf, Us
We enjoyed reading your post today. Very informative. We only posted a video. (Jan just had to mow the lawn and make us late!)
BJ, dat's a cute pictor. I hope you didn't get chased wif a real hat! I don't like real hats... on my head. A lovely tribute, but I's gotta question! Why do they haf a day to amember Vets? Vets are kinda ascary!
Happy Memorial Day. I am very grateful to the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
You wear a hat very well!
That's a lovely tribute and thank you for the clarification. We thought that was the case and so we decided not to honor our family veterans.
Well, today is technically for those veterans who died in an American war.
But us Sherwood cats finks any opportunity to honor a fambly hero is a good one.
We can remember them all wif pride today.
Happy Memorial Day!
***** HUGS *****
In tribute to Bonnie Underfoot.
Love & Purrs,
KC & The Sherwood Bunch
Love your graphic, BJ! A lovely tribute to our fine soldiers.
At our house today we had a few of our own military heros who served spanning over 50 years of American history! The food was pretty good, too!
Gandalf, Gray & Mom Barb
That's a very nice photo.
Happy Memorial Day to you all.
That was very interesting ... lovely tribute.
We were going to say that we have our Remembrance Day in November, but we didn't know you had Veteran's Day then as well. Thank you for explaining it to us. We are thinking of your heroes today.
BJ, you are looking good in your hat.
((((((Hugs)))))) to you all.
That is great information.
As a Canadian cat, I was not aware of how Memorial Day came about :)
Purrs Mickey
Yesterday morning, CBS Sunday Morning had a wonderful segment about the National Cemetery at Arlington, VA --
Be sure to check it out. It's informative and beautiful and touching.
Rats! That URL in the previous comment didn't come through. I hope this one does. I'm separating it by the forward slashes, so if you copy and paste, just know you will have to put it back together again.
{{{{{hugs}}}} from all of us to all of you.
That's a great post 'bout Memorial Day!! The town where mom grew up has a big celebration with a procession to the cemetery.
Thanks for the hugs in honor of Bonnie. We're givin' you some too!!
You look cute in your hat BJ! Thanks for the clarification on Memorial Day and Veterans day! We never knew that! Hope your Day was wonderful!
((((((((((((((Hugs to all you Sherwood's in honor of Bonnie))))))))))))))))))!!
Your FL furiends,
Here is the link to Marilynn's segment on CBS about the National Cemetery at Arlington. It is titled, Our Nation's Most Hallowed Ground. Do check it out.
Thanks to Marilynn for sharing this with us.
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