It's Saturday and I's feeling a bit lazy...
...just a couple of things and I's going to nap in the sun!
Hope effurryone has a grrreat Saturday.... KC
Dandelion went to the Bridge yesterday at 19 years of age.
He was a wonderful cat and we shall miss him.
Sophia posted a beautiful tribute to him on the Cat Blogosphere.
Faith Boomerang SHOUTS
(biggify if you can stand it)
Deb & ML's Auctions are back!
And we are on a mission!
We want to help Dancer to have a chance at a normal life.
He is 8 months old and will not live to a year without surgery.
We are auctioning some super great items
to raise the money he needs for life-saving surgery.
Check them out at Deb & ML's Auctions!
These auctions end Sunday, June 8th, midnight eastern time.
Shhhhh, our little reepurrter is sound asleep.

Hope effurryone has a grrreat Saturday.... KC

He was a wonderful cat and we shall miss him.
Sophia posted a beautiful tribute to him on the Cat Blogosphere.
Faith Boomerang SHOUTS

Deb & ML's Auctions are back!

We want to help Dancer to have a chance at a normal life.
He is 8 months old and will not live to a year without surgery.
We are auctioning some super great items
to raise the money he needs for life-saving surgery.
Check them out at Deb & ML's Auctions!
These auctions end Sunday, June 8th, midnight eastern time.
Shhhhh, our little reepurrter is sound asleep.

That's some serious shoutin'!
KC said...
Biggify tha pickshures if you's dare...
Those are good shouts and look at all those teefies.
We were almost afraid to biggify Smokey's picture! Wow, that's a whole lotta gorgeousness!
I biggified Smokey. Oh my cod, what a looker!
Wow those are some shouts!
We's glad yall are hafin a lazy caturday too.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
Ooo lookit all dem teefs...
:whispering: great shout photos, but the last one of KC sleeping is just precious....we see her little tongue! Hee Hee
You are doing some great shouts!
Great lookin' shouts, you guys! And I love the snoozin' shot of KC. (Did she forget something?)
Marilynn, Grace & Company
Thanks for visiting my Blog...
I love your pictures...What pretty kitties...
Come visit me again...
Abby xxxooo
wow! look at that shoutin! no wonder your sleepy Faith Boo, that must've taken a lot out of you.
That little tongue is killing me! ~DKM
Well no wonder she's sound asleep, after all that shouting!
Good luck with your auction to help Dancer.
Muahahahaha! Terrorificous!
Some good shouting, and also sleeping.
Oh, what a sweet picture of the little reporter! Those are some terrific shouting pictures - I think I can hear them at my house!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
hey is so smalls... you reminds me uv Bootsie Woo, my mini me gurl.
How olds iz you?
And purrfecty excellant shoutin!!!
I gives dems a 10!
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