BJ: Real Mancats like to smell the roses!
And the sunflowers and the daisys, too.

The Sherwood Mancats-In-Training gather round a beautiful vase of flowers,
appreciating the beauty and fragrance.

Sol even likes the cool vase.
Thank you, Auntie Deb, for the beautiful birthday flowers.
Ooh, those are such lovely flowers!!!
Beautiful flowers!
Dear ML, MIssy and KC - yes please, I would love you to post the picture of me with my medal on the CB! I am very proud of my Meowmies. Thank you xxx
Those are beautiful flowers! You look great checking them out, BJ. :)
Absolutily... you must inspect anee flours dats cums in youz house and makes sure dey smell purrfectly purrtee!!
Flower smellin rulez!!
Abouts da Ninja Cat Movee... Mawmee just cames up wif da postur today... Weze see ifns what sort uv movee we cuds makes bout dat.
Katie Kitty Too,
Jr Comik, Purrducshun Assistant and Offishul Rose Tester
Oh, sigh.....such handsome mancats! We Taylor CatSSS (Summer, Spats & Sassy) love a mancat who is not afraid to show his tender side. Plus...sigh....these mancats are so handsome....giggle......
You make those flowers look so lovely!
purrrrrrty! didja taste 'em? didja? me and Rascal would've. yummy! hey, handsome Sol - come by my blog an see mine art!
Those bootiful flowews show off youw magnificent fuw..the shewwood bunch has gweat taste!!!
Thank you fow all youw puwws and good wishes fow awe wondewful fwiends
smoochie kisses
Aint nuthin wrong with enjoyin sum posies. Besides yoo got to check em out for bugs!
That's a pretty assortment! Bet they smell heavenly, don't they BJ?
Lovely flowers!
We think it's the ManCat's (or ManCat in training's) job to check out everything, including flowers!
Jake and Bert
I am back from vacation finally.....
I think you guys are adorable.
Those are pretty flowers. I am impressed that you didn't knock over the vase...or was that what happened next when Faith Boo arrived on the scene??? Guard those flowers from your little sister!
what lovely flowers. they are perfect for your lovely mommy. i hope she had the bestest birthday ever.
it is important for Mancats to show their softer side. great job!
Eat the roses, they are tasty!
gorgeous flowers!
Silverdale flowers
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