Mommie ML's Vista isn't working right....

... so she's been reading a lot of big books, and making a lot of notes...

... and NOT paying any attention to me or my belleh!

Mommy ML, aren't I more interesting than these silly books?
Not to mention much, much cuter?

:: Sighs :: If only I could fix her computer!
You are definitely cuter. I like to bite my mom's papers and stuff. Do you?
I just got a new harddrive and I'm SO glad I made sure to get Windows XP instead of Vista.
Sorry yours is broken.
Oh and honey pie === you are SO cute!!!
Have her switch back to XP and that way you'll get your belleh time back!
Okay, ML, listen up! You've got a houseful of cute bellehs you aren't paying attention to. Drop the books and get back to what is important - bellehs!
What do you mean, you have to fix Vista? Without cute bellehs, what good is Vista?
You are so cute, how can your mom resist. Our Uncle M said that Mom wasn't allowed to get Vista on her computer. He is part of the Geek Squad so she listens to him.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
PS - Mom ML - feel better - We don't like it when you aren't well.
Yes, all the cats are protesting the lack of "belleh time" since Charley and I got our Vista computers.
The only help I found with the Vista Mail problems was online, the books are a waste of time. About half of the emails I receive are corrupt. The processors run (more like race) at 95-99% most of the time. No windows open, minimal stuff loaded. Been thru every item in task manager. Run all the rootkit detectors in addition to virus checkers. I'll work on it more tomorrow, I do have my old XP computer, just might get that out.
Isn't Sol just precious. You may remember him as Solitare Noir, the little loner runt from the Mites. He's the one I had to get out of the bag, he couldn't breath and Momma Dinah had pushed him aside. Well, Sol is MY cat, just like KC is Charley's cat.
Those are some fantastic pictures! :) Yes, you're much more interesting than books! Happy 4th!
Sol, you have to apply your belleh to the computer itself. Thusly, the healing power of the belleh can enter the pc and mend vista. Whilst you are doing this ML can catch up on belleh time with the others and reduce her stress levels.
Easy eh? ;)
Oh dat Vista can be tricky on da compooters. Mommy Bean finally got the dvd / cd thingy to works on hers after a year. I never hearded so many bad words all at once .... I fink some of the words were NEW ones too!
oh dear, your momma is still hafing prollems? that's terrible that she's ignoring your belleh
I'm making my computer with XP on it work as long as possible -- I don't want to have to deal with Vista! Too many horror stories about it.
One place to get help if you get really stuck is the Helpline blogger at the Houston Chronicle. Here's his blog URL: http://blogs.chron.com/helpline/
And here's his email address:
I email him all the time with questions, most recently with my infuriating frustrations after downloading and installing a new security program (AVG 8.0). He's most knowledgeable and helpful.
And yes -- more attention to kittehs with gorgeous bellehs, please!
Marilynn, Grace & Company
Happy 4th!
We hope the computer problems are solved quickly!
Vista makes Mom very, very crabilated! She took it off her brand new computer on the second day and put XP on. Aaaack! She may get a Mac next!
We hope you get some well-deserved attention soon! Happy Independence Day
Oh, Mommy wants to come and give you some BELLAH TIME!!! You look so cute!!! Auntie ML: Leave that 'puter alone and go and rub some BELLAHS!!! Much more fun.
Happy Independence Day!
I think you are much cuter than Vista. We have that on our pc side too because the Male insists... he works for MS.
Happy Independence Day! I hope your computer gets all fixed up.
HAPPY 4th OF JULY! Have a nice day! Muahahaha!
Thanks for your comment.
hi handsome! your mom must be crazy nutso to ignore you fur something called Vista that duzzn't even sound like it's handsome or furry. maybe you should put the Big Bitey on Vista.
HAPPY 4th of JULY to all you kitties & beans!!
Sorry about the 'puter problems :(
We still have XP ,so we can't help.
Sol,you are Black,naturally you're cute!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Happy 4th.
That is too bad that her Vista puter isn't working. We use Vista but not Vista Mail. Your cute belly is hard to resist.
Happy 4th of July, ML! I hope your computer problems get better really soon... ugh, I know how much that can suck.
That is one lovely kitty in those photos. What a handsome face! He's definitely angling for some belleh time.
Books do make nice pillows, so it's not all bad... Happy Fourth!
Oh Sol, you are so handsome and we can't believe you are being ignored! Hope your 4th of July was fun and you finally got some attention!
Your FL furiends,
Sol, you are very, very cute. Sorry your mom is having computer problems.So far, we have resisted Vista and staying with XP
Mindy & Moe
We are so sorry that you don't get undivided attention! Like others suggested too: make her switch back to XP !!!
We hope your Mom get the problem solved soon...
P.S. Missy we are sure Emil will watch out over you from the bridge to see how the story with the S.A. will unfold!
Did we ever tell you that we think that when there is thunder outside Emil is burping at the bridge? We realized that when Dorydoo (Emil's burping partner from the Ballici) came over and was so sad...
And the lightning is the flash light from his camera when he takes pictures of Elvis, hahahahahahahahaha!
We miss him.
Hi! Hope you had a wonderful and safe fourth of July! We tagged you for a meme. Come by and visit our blog. It's an easy one!!!
Hope Mommy ML gets her computer fixed soon. Oh BTW, you are cuter than a stack of those darn books that you can't understand.
Vista is evil - just ask Dad. You is a good helper an too cute to ignore.
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