Saturday, December 20, 2008

Easy Sunday - Introducing Ike

We first saw Ike right after Hurricane Ike. He was a bit smaller back then, sitting on our window sill. I had never seen a frog like him, but Charley said he is a tree frog. We named him Ike after the Hurricane. Unless the temperatures fall below the mid-40's, we see him every night, outside the same window. (Sorry for the yellow in the picture, it's the outside spotlight.)

An i's wanted to put up a pickshure of my beloved Viking-Cat Jack. Hims Mom had hims blood an pee tested an hims is purrfecshun. Course, I's already knowed that. Hee hee. An we's going to tha ChrissyMouse Party! ~KC

Don't forget to check Auntie Deb & Mommy ML's Auctions to benefit the Sickly Cats of the CB. Uncle Mo has offered specshul prizies, too. We's got beautiful artist-crafted joolery and Pashmina.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We laffed but den mom sed dat der really are frogs dat live in trees! Next she'll be telling us der are flying skwerrels...WHAT!?

My Littel Island said...

wow he is so cute so how ir deb doing

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh Missy dear thank you ever so much for the pretty awardie and concats that you all got it too from Karen Jo...she is so nice to all of us! Today has been a hard day for us because my grandbean Cole who loves me so much broke his wrist sledding and needed to go to the bean vet by red truck and blue light. Tonight he is home safe after they did a operation. I could not be there with him because no cats are allowed! I think they should change that rule!
PS: I love frogs and wish we had some in our pond...the tadpoles keep getting deaded for some reason.
PSS: Mommy just adores her ear rings!!! Oh and we paid for em.
Concatulations for all the green paper you raised! You rock!

Anonymous said...

Ike looks a lot like our frogs. Gandalf use to try to catch them, but his mouth foamed up one too many times! hahaha! -Grayson

Tesla and Hansel said...

I hope yoo git yoor blankie soon! i sent it friday!

The Meezers or Billy said...

a TREE frog? really? he doesn't look like the froggies around here.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh no! Not Jack too! Purrs...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ike is a stray frog looking for a Forever Home!

We've been sending up vibes and purrayers for our furriend Jack.

Cafe Cats said...

Dat is a cuuuute froggie visitor!

We is furry glad that Jack is ok.

Purrs, the Cafe Cats

Kiddo said...

My bean, Rachel, is not a fan of tree frogs. But I think he is just precious! How can you not like a frog who likes trees? I like trees, too!

castle diva said...

We've never seen a frog. Then again, we live in an apartment building.

By the way, we won't be sharing Mom's blog seriously amused anymore and have started our own.

Have a happy Monday!
Ms. P and Cinza

Marilynn said...

Ike is very cute! We see tree frogs (very identifiable by their feet!) on our back door (it's mostly glass) frequently, especially right after rain. And sometimes they get into the garage and then Grace & Company bring them into the house through the pet door! Yikes!

What do you know about Auntie Deb? Is she feeling better after seeing her Houston doctors? We sure hope so.


Marilynn, Grace & Company

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Cute froggie. I have never seen a real one!

caspersmom said...

I sure do like that froggy. It kind of looks a bit big to chase around though. Anyhow if it's a tree frog it would just disappear up a tree like the lizards did at our other house. Durn.


Anonymous said...

oooh Viking cat Jack is very handsome!
Hahha we love froggies.. At Mommas old house a long time ago there used to be a froggie always in the laundry loo! Momma would put him out and every time she had to use the 2nd toilet he would be back.. they figured he must swim up the pipe or something, he was very cute! :)