Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Auntie Deb went to the grocery store wif us yesserday. She haf ta wear hers kitty brace, but she pushed a baskit an effurryfing.

Hers is doing so good, but we gotted some bad noos. She's going home on February 8th. We is gonna miss hers so much. But till then we's haffin fun fun fun.

Pleeze send lots of purrs and purrayers fur Moki, our little trooper. We loves him so much. And send a few to Mom Crystal and him's brofur Orange Boy, who is devoted to Moki.

There is a donate button on Moki's blog to help wif medikle expenses.

Also, mine Mommie ML is rafflin a beautiful diamond and sapphire pendant an earrings to help raise money fur Moki's growing expenses. Tickets are $5 each.

And Mommie ML and Auntie Deb haf some inneresting aukshuns fur donations fur Moki.

100% of the money will go directly to Mom Crystal.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is great news that Auntie Deb was able to go shopping. We are sending her lots more purrs.
We are purring for Moki too.

Kiddo said...

Hooray for Auntie Deb getting out and about!


Chrissie said...

Yay, Auntie Deb! I'm so glad you're feelin' chipper enough to go to the grocery. That's gonna be furry important for my good friends at the Taylor CatSSSSS, whom I miss VERY MUCH! But, I'll bet Auntie Deb miss them more!

ML, Thank you for bein' such a help to her and for takin' such good care of your friend. You're wunnerful.

Marilynn said...

We're all so glad Auntie Deb is doing better and better -- and going shopping. That's a wonderful feat!

Yayyy! We just know that all your love and purrs and sitting-on-her has helped her do so well and heal so fast.

Our purrs and prayers are going on for Moki and family, too.


Marilynn, Grace & Company

The Meezers or Billy said...

YAY for Auntie Deb!!!! we is going to try and count our windowsill and basket metal monies and see if we has enough for a ticket for the raffle! We wants to help Moki!!!

AUNTIE DEB!!!!! ME is coming to purrrrrr wif you!!!
FAITH BOO!!! RUNRUNRUNR ZOOMZOOMZOOM PLAYPLAYPLAY snugglesnugglesnuggle ::blush:: - Billy

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful news! Shopping and pushing the basket is excellent progress! You did head straight for the cat food aisle, right? And you filled that basket with Temptations, right?

How many Sherwood kitties can you pile on a resting Auntie Deb at once? We think we need a picture!

Hansel said...

hurrah! we iz gonna buy tix now!

an hurrah fur auntie debkins!

Sweet Purrfections said...

How wonderful that Auntie Deb was able to get out.

I am purraying for Moki, too.

SJ Reidhead said...

Thank you for your purrs about my babies. They are cute - but shy. One day I will allow photos, but not now. They are going to be my last litter, so I'm enjoying them.

Purrs to everyone!
Mommy Cat
& the little ones

Karen Jo said...

I am very glad that Auntie Deb feels well enough to go grocery shopping. I am praying very hard for Moki.