Monday, April 27, 2009


Charley finally getting some much needed rest noon Monday. All the fluids, oxygen and drugs just kicked in. This is the most relaxed he has been since Thursday evening. ~ML
Tuesday 9:55 AM CST - Talked to Charley, he said Dr. Bob said there is no evidence of a viral infection. He has specialists checking to see if he has had another mild stoke, as he can no longer use his right leg. I'm on my way over, they are trying to get him to eat solid food, I'm going to take him his favorite hamburger and fries. Keep those magical purrs coming.

Tuesday 2 PM CST - Never made it over to the hospital, the roads are impassable between our house and there. We had 10+ inches of rain in 12 hours. It has been raining today as well. They are still running tests on Charley to figure out what is wrong. I believe he is just very weak from not eating. Deb or I will post as soon as there is any news.

5:47 CST Monday -- Deb: "ML is at home and resting. Since there are such terrible thunderstorms in Houston right now, I've asked her not to go back to the hospital. I talked to Dr. Bob. He assured me that Charley was doing much better. He was severely dehydrated upon arrival, but is doing better on the fluids. He has a very severe case of the flu. Dr. Bob was on his way over to the hospital to check on him again. As of now, Charley is resting comfortably. I'll put up more updates as I get them. Please continue to send purrs and prayers! Thank you all!"

Late Tuesday evening update: The nurses said Charley is resting but grumpy and uncooperative. That is really a good sign. He is still running a fever and is very weak. Dr. Bob has ordered him to use a walker and is arranging physicial therapy for when he recovers. Right now he cannot use either leg to walk. He will also need assisted living help when he does get to return home. ML will be getting that set up later.


Anonymous said...

We're still purring!

Hansel said...

We are purring hard!

The Island Cats said...

We're purring for Charley!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yep, were purring and woofing too.

The Creek Cats said...

We will keep those purrs and purrayers coming for Charley!!!

muffinmidi said...

We're purraying for them both.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Thanks so much to Deb for monitoring all these details. I am just feeling very lost from the worry, lack of sleep and nonstop cleaning.
I know Charley is in the very best hands with Dr. Ezell and the staff at Hermann Memorial Hospital is excellent -- that's where Margaret had her cancer treatment and where Deb had both of her daughters! It's a very good place.
I understand he is not being the best patient right now, so that means he must be feeling better! Hee hee.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are purring oh so very hard for Charley!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

We are so glad Daddy Charley is resting, and are still sending our strongest purrs and purrayers that he will get over this setback quickly. And being a cantankerous patient is a good thing, because it means he has the fight in him! And Mommie ML, please try to get some much needed rest ...
Love, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are purring that Charley does not have the Swine flu that is in Dallas! We continue to purr and pray for a speedy recovery!

Parker said...

We are purring very hard for you!

Karen said...

We are purring for him. We is glad he is doing better

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

We're purring hard over here for Charley.

Meowers from Missouri said...

we's purrin'! we's purrrayin'!

Millie said...

Mom and I are sending purrs for both your Charlies

Mickey's Musings said...

Auntie Deb, thank you for the update!!! We are all purring very hard for Charley. WE hope he feels better after a good snooze :)
Big purrs for ML too :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Milton said...

I'm purrin' & purrin' & purrin' some more! I want daddybean Charley to feel better as soon as he can.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Thank you for the update. I'm still purring for Charley.

Motor Home Cats said...

We are so glad to hear that Daddy Charley is feeling better. We are purring for him to get lots of rest and for the medicine to work quickly.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

OH MY HOLY CATS! I am ever so sorry to hear about your dear daddy being in the hospital. Dr Bob is giving him the very best care that is for sure. In the photo your daddy looks just like mine Lapdaddy did on Friday!! Same designer sleepy shirt and everything! I just know he will be home soon with all of you again. This has been the most incredible worrisome week for both of us...right? I want you to know how much I care and wish you peace and restful times soon. We all can sure use them. Soft hugs to your mommy ML. I have ot go and take my medicines now and go back to my new cavebed mommy made for me. Sort of a quarantine bed...I am dreadful sick... Dr Oliver said I will get better but it will take more itme than we thought it would.
Your family is in my constant thoughts and prayers.
Love your MIss Peach and mommy Karla and the Lapdaddy

caspersmom said...

KC this must be very hard on you as well as your Mom as your Daddy Charley means so much to you as you do to him Yes, we are still purring and praying very much for your Daddy. Please tell your Mom to take care O.K. Mom knows how hard it is to feel helpless but Daddy Charley is getting good rest in the hospital. God Bless.

Hi you pretty Missy Blue Eyes.


Marilynn said...

Yes, indeed -- the storms that came through the whole Houston area were nothing short of wicked! Well, not as bad as Hurricane Ike, but wicked anyway. Then around 40,000 homes lost power about 2 hours after the storm started, and our house was one of them. It was off for about 4 hours.

I sure hope the hospital didn't suffer a power outage. I know they have back-up generator systems, but still ...

And ML -- we hope you didn't lose power either.

We'll keep purring and praying for Charley. Did you get Charlie Cat home all safe and sound yet?


Marilynn, Grace & Company

Tiger Lily said...

Still prrrrrrrrrrrrrring for your Daddy Charley KC! We are glad he is feeling better. We are glad Mom ML is home safely too.

sammawow said...

Oh, we are purring our strongest rumbly purrs for Charley.

Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Cat Street Boyz said...

We just returned....our splitter on the router went bad, we had no use of our internet or phone till the splitter was replaced.
All of us here will be purrrrin' loud for Charlie and we hope the storm lets up too! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Samantha & Mom said...

Puurs and lots of hugs to you all!! We are purrring and purraying for Daddy Charley!!
Your FL furiends,

Cliff and Olivia said...

Purrs from us. Big ones.

Karen Jo said...

I am praying very hard for Charley to get better.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Still sending lots of purrs that way. Hope so much Carlie wil feel better soon.

Hugs GJ x

Hansel said...

oh we are purring and purring!

Kaz's Cats said...

Still purring madly down here for Dad Charley...We're glad that we can catch the latest updates from KC and Auntie Deb. Sending purrs to Mommy ML and Charlie Cat and to all of the other Sherwood kitties,


Gypsy & Tasha

The Cat Realm said...

We are still purring too! And confident that all will be fine. Lots and lots of purrs to you!!!

Milo and Alfie said...

We'll keep purring. Get well soon Charley.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we is just checking back to see how Daddy Charlie is doing. we is purrrrrrrrrrrrring furry hard

Marilynn said...

We continue purring and praying for both Charley and ML ... and we hope ML is not having to deal with flooded streets as she tries to get to the hospital.


Marilynn, Grace & Company

Gemini and Ichiro said...

WE're purring for him. Stay safe you all!

Mo and The Purries said...

Thanks for the updates, Deb.
*HUGS* to ML!!!

We are praying for Charley and still purraying for Charlie Cat!

The Purries and

Kiddo said...

I will purr for Charley!


Fat Eric said...

Sending purrs and good thoughts for a fast recovery.

Boots, Ozzie and Brenda said...

We are still purring for Charley's recovery

Boots & Brenda

The Meezers or Billy said...

::curls up next to Faith Boo and puts paw around her:: It's OK Faith, ME is here to help you purrrr.


Reese =^..^= said...

Sending purrs and kitty kisses your way.

Marilynn said...

We're all VERY glad you're safe, ML. Flooded streets are not playgrounds, that's for sure!

Still purring and praying ...


Marilynn, Grace & Company

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Purrs, purrs and more purrs! We are a bit out of touch due to my SS being away in the field and the home internet not functioning when she finally got back.

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness! We are still sending tons of purrs and purrayers for Charley! Many good hugs too!

Luf, Us & Maw

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Oh dear!!! We haz missed sendin' our purrz... we justee now gotted to da CB & saw about dis.
Pleeze know dats we are purrin' & purrin' fur Charley & we will nots stoppee until he iz at home wit all of you.
SO muchee love comin' yer way.
Dr Tweety & da rest of da Fab Five

Unknown said...

Wowie. Everykitty here is purring and mommy is praying super hard! It's great that Charley feels well enough to be grumpy - that's a good sign, but how scary!

Purrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrrr Purrrrrrrrrr