Today we are dedicating our blog to Sweet Praline's Mom Paula, who is having shoulder surgery.
She will certainly get the best recovery care ever from Sweet Praline.
Thanks to Auntie Deb and Zoolatry for the great graphic, feel free to use it on your blogs.
WE will purr for her, too!
We will start our motors very early tomorrow--I hope Momma doesn't get mad when we wake with our purrs...
What a neat graphic. We aren't even going to try to post it. We're having enough trouble just keeping the computer swearing at us. Or is it the other way around? But we all have our paws crossed for mom Paula.
I will be praying and Herman will be purring for Mom Paula. I hope she has a successful surgery and quick recovery.
We are purring and praying for Paula for a successful surgery and a completer recovery.
Casper and crew
We got mega mega purrs for their whole family!
We are sending lots of purrs too!!!
Hi to all the Sherwoods!!!
Love, uSSSSS
We are all purring for Mom Paula and hope that her hurty gets better after the surgery!
That is very sweet of you to post this to let us know! We will add our purrs for Mom Paula.
Also, we want to thank you very much for your condolences for Tammy Faye. Her fambly is very appreciative of all the support from the Cat Blogosphere.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
We are purring for Mom Paula too.
We went by yesterday to send her purrs!
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