Sunday, June 27, 2010

Purrthday Party fur KC, Day 2!

Wowie, effurryone's haffing so much fun... I's gonna extend mine party till Sunday night!!!
It's not really that hot here today -- only 96F -- but still, it feels so good in The Ice House.
We's got our Texas Voles plus tha Eastern Atlantic Branch from The Taylor CatSSSSS.

Today is Sassy & Spats' Purrthdays.
After you go over there to wish them a good day, come back here and let's party some more.

And over at 40 Paws it is Annie's Purrthday and hers haffing a Texas-sized party, too.

It is also Darling Millie's Rescue-versary.
It was on June 27th, 2006 that the wonderful Malcolm found a shattered, injured kitten on the street, scooped it up and took it to the vet.

Love & Purrs,

pee ess: You uns really know how to make a little kitty feel good.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well then I'll bring over another ham to help us keep celebrating!!! Glad it's a good one!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy, Happy Birfday KC!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Just don't use your claws on that baloon my friend!

Keiko said...

Happy Birthday KC! You are so cute, and your party is fabulous! We're going for one of the tuna-coladas! Mmm!!
Here's to many more happy years to come!
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla & Yuji!

Karen Jo said...

This is great. I am having a wonderful time. The voles are lots of fun to chase and the food is terrific. Anybody ready for a really good game of THoE?

Everycat said...

Oops sorry KC we are a bit late, it's waffly hot in the UK and we er, overslept in the sun.

Happy Birthday KC and thank you for all the work you do for the CB.

*offers box full of freshly caught english churchyard meeces*


& Gerry

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Woohoo! Party's extended1 That is great news. The voles were great and now we are going to try Whicky's mnousies.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Yoo can never have too much of a good thing ~ so we're here to party some more!

The Florida Furkids said...

Another day? We're in!! We've got more meowgaritas in the blender. TWO boxes of voles???? This is pawsome!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

AFSS said...

We are so glad you extended the party so we could come. Very Happy Birthday to you KC. Here is some fresh nip. After we cools off some we will be ready to Party with you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wow, I didn't know that pawty was still going on or I would have been back sooner! What a pawty!!!

Daisy said...

Happy birthday, KC! Those liz-quila shots are fabulous ::hic::

Katnip Lounge said...

Well heckfire! We will go get another bookay of nip and be right back!

Karen said...

You really know how to party!!!
Smokey, I am kinda tired is the a spot we could nap together


George The Duck and the HotMBC Kittehs said...

Thank you for the Gotcha Day wishes. I hope you have a super Birthday too!
*ducky hugs*

caspersmom said...

Are you four already KC. Doesn't seem like it. Seems just like not that long ago you made your way to your forever home with Mom ML and Dad Charley. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KC.

Hi sweet and beautiful Missy Blue Eyes. I have transported over there several times to be with you on the refrigerator but Mom hasn't been online to much this past week. Dad went to the hospital Wednesday cause he was blacking out, dizzy and nauseated and they held him overnight for observation. Mom thinks his cardiologist is giving him to much medication. He's doing a little better but has to get up slow. Mom thinks she might have found a place for Red facey the duck but she has a few more phone calls to make first.

Thank you KC for extending your birthday to today so we could be in on it. What a great bunch of goodies to eat and their are a few voles to still chase around. And, can I have this dance my beautiful girl.

Loves Ya,

Mishkat said...

Happy birthday, KC! We are wishing you many happy returns!

Purrs from the Mishkat cats

Sweet Purrfections said...

There sure are a lot of birthdays today! I don't blame you for wanting to extend yours.

Karen said...

Smokey, did you just faint? I am going to fan you. DO you need water?

Pip said...

KC sweety, we are so sorry we misseded your party. Our mommy has been on the puter for 20hours a day!
We sure hopes you had a good birthday, and we purrs for many many more.
Love TK and Squashies