007 Sherwood - Rainbow Bridge's Newest Angel

007 had to be helped to the Bridge today. He was simply too sick. I think that Charley Taylor sent him to ML so that he could know such wonderful love during his final days. ML is heartbroken and so am I. I know that 007 is at the Bridge with Charley Taylor and they are talking about what a wonderful Mommy they had here on Earth, if only for a short time. They picked such a special person to spend their last time with here and they will be waiting at the Bridge.
love, Deb
I think that 007 had a wonderful few days. How grand that there was someone who loved him dearly for who he was at those last days of his life. Purrs.
Amy and The House of Cats said...
Oh we are so sorry to hear that 007 had to go to the bridge, but at least he was able to have a little bit of time where he knew he was loved and cared for before he left. We are sending all of you lots of purrs and prayers of comfort.
Cat said...
Oh no :-(
Mishkat said...
ML, we are so sorry to hear this. We are certain that 007 is all right right now, but we know that it must be very sad for you.
Sending you love and purrs -
Katie and the Mishkat cats
Even though you didn't have him long, we know you loved 007 as one of your own. We are so sorry you didn't have more time with him but you made his last days enjoyable and sent him off to the bridge in peace instead of in pain. Purrs, tail wags and a big hug.
ML, I'm so sorry for the loss of sweet 007. I know that he is at the Bridge with Charley and they are talking about what a wonderful Mommy that they had, even for the short period of time. I'm here if you need me. Anytime. I love you dearly.
Big {{hugs}} and purrs from us...we are so thankful that 007 got to experience love and a full tummy.
God Bless.
Oh gosh, we are so sorry to read this, but it is comforting to know that 007 was loved when he was with you, and is running free at the Bridge with Charley, without any of those terrible health problems that plagued him. Hugs to you ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan too
Awww...I'm really sorry he had to go to the Bridge, but he came to ML for a reason. He needed her, and she gave him what he needed the most--love in the last days, and the guts to help him get where he needed to be.
We are so very sorry that 007 was only able to spend such a short time with you, but we know that was the happiest time of his life finding love. Now he is running happily and healthy at the Rainbow Bridge with Charley Taylor.(((hugs))) to you.
We are so sorry to hear about sweet 007, but happy to hear that he spent his last days with you. Big purrs from all of us.
We're sure you're right - Charley sent him to you so he could find love, a name, and relief from suffering. It's sad enough that he had to go to the Bridge so young, but to think of him leaving this world alone & nameless is just horrible. Thank you for what you did for 007.
Our hearts are breaking for all of you. What a wonderful few days he had with you. Heaven on earth.
007 seemed as if he was a person cat at one point, otherwise he wouldnt have been so friendly. We is finkin he came to yoo acuz he was sent by another angel to have more love before he had to go. Oh jeeze, da mom has leaky eyes now. We is sorry he had to go so quickly but at least he had yoo all.
purrs and headbutts,
Mom Laure
007 has the best final few days and was very lucky to have found your home. He knew love, a warm bed, soft pets, and yummy food...that's what we all hope for in life. Bless you for taking him in...so sorry it was for such a short time.
We have leaky eyes but are glad that 007 was loved so much at the end. Peace by with both of you. Sleep well 007 aka Stinky.
In hims last days, 007 knew what da rest of us already knowed: Dat ML has da biggest hart an enuf luf fur efurry cat in da hole werld, no matter how scruffy, skinny, an sickly it may be. Takin him to da vet was so much better than him dyin sad, scared an alone. You gived him "hospice" when him needed it. Loud, sad purrs,
Victor & Nina
We are so sorry, but grateful that 007 knew love in his last days.
~ The Bunch
Oh we are so sad to hear about 007. Huggs and Purrs.
We are sorry to hear about 007, but very glad that he chose your home!!
He did get to know kindness & love,the very things every kitty should experience. Big hugs to you ML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs for the angles Charlie & 007 :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Oh ML.
This was my first time to your blog. I remember now that you told me you had a personal blog. I always think of you when I go to the CB. I am heartbroken for you about this outcome for 007. It seems so much like Winnie's story. I will say to you what so many said to me - I am SO thankful that he had that "moment in time" with a human who loved him. A lifelong stray. He got to know love before he moved on. I'm SO GLAD he found you before he left for the bridge. Imagine how much suffering you prevented by helping him cross over.
My sisters and I are so very, very sorry to hear about 007. Indeed he was so very loved while he was with you. We send you our best purrs.
The cozy cottage is crushed to read about 007Sherwood. We did not know...oh how your heart must ache. Not for what has been, but for what could have been. Time is so purrrrecious and you gave him the love in the few short days that he will tell God all about....
Bless your tender heart and big hugs.
Love Miss Peach
ML, I'm so terribly sorry.
I am so sorry to hear this news. Thank you for giving him some love and some fuss in his last days.
Kate (Fat Eric's mum)
We're so sorry that 007 had to leave for the Bridge. He was very lucky to find love in his last days and we know that you probably saved him from much pain and suffering.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
we is so sorry that you hadded to go to the Bridge 007 Sherwood - but you hadded the bestest mom in the whole werld - and we knows that Charlie Taylor meeted you there and that you will both be watching ofur your mom.
MommyML, you have 007 the bestest thing in the whole werld - love.
we love you mommyML - you is the bestest. {{HUGS}} and purrrrrsssssssss
We are so sorry to hear about 007. You are so right, he was lead to your mom because it was the most loving place he could be at his end. Please know you are all in our thoughts and purrayers, especially your mom, during this very sad time. (((hugs)))
It is not the number or hours or days or months or years that a kitty is loved and nourished that matter. What matters most is that he was. 007 last days were spent in warmth and love and filled with caring and snuggles. We will purr
We are sorry to hear that 007 had run off to The Bridge. At least he felt love in his final days.
Gentle Hugs and Purrs
purrs, purrrayers, an' love from the meowers. we are so sad.
We are so glad that 007 had a good few days in the end. That is so too bad that he was so sick. We are sending you lots of purrs and hugs and good thoughts. We are so very sorry.
We are so glad that 007 had a good few days in the end. That is so too bad that he was so sick. We are sending you lots of purrs and hugs and good thoughts. We are so very sorry.
I'm so sorry.
So sorry to hear such a precious kitty had to leave for the bridge. Purrs.
We're so sorry to hear the sad news about little 007. Sending comforting vibes and purrayers...
Oh, dear ML, we are so sorry to hear about sweet 007. At least he knew human love before he crossed the Bridge. Bless you, ML ...
'Kaika's mom
SO glad ML took him in and he did not suffer and die alone outside. Sending loving purrs and healing light to you all. 007 is a a wonderful place now and is looking down on you.
Doesn't matter how long you love them, it's still hard when they have to leave for the bridge! So Sorry for your loss.
We are so sorry about 007 But he went to the bridge knowing what love was.
Pixel and Samba
We are so sorry that 007 was so sick and had to go to the bridge. We know Charley met him ans id showing him around. He had a wonderful few days!
Oh ML!! We are so sorry to hear about 007!!! Our purrrs and purrayers are with you!!! We know 007 enjoyed the days with you and he is now at he Rainbow Bridge frolicking with Charley!!!
((((((((HUGGGGGSSSSS))))))))) from your Austin furiends,
and Chandra
At least he had a good home, if only for a very brief time. Although it still makes me very, very sad.
Oh, I'm just now catching up and reading this and my heart is breaking for you and 007. We totally understand how you can fall in love in an instant and share a lifetime of love in just a few days.
Purrs to you and your family.
Oh no!! We are so very sorry that 007 was so sick & had to be helped to the Bridge. Thank you for taking him in & letting him know what real love was before he crossed over.
Bless his heart & yours for what you do.
Oh, we are so sorry to hear about 007=he was a beautiful sweetheart and we're glad he was loved in the end of his life...Wishing you all comfort at this sad time...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
KC, ML, and the rest. We just read about 007. We are sorry he couldn't stay longer, but glad he at least had a few days of love and cuddles.
ppuurrrrrrs and {{hugs}}
We are so very sorry to hear about 007. At least he went to the Bridge knowing he was well and truly loved. We know yoo must be hurting bad. (((((((hugs))))))))
Sherwood 007, we are so sorry that you were so very sick. You were a beautiful handsome fella. Fly free gorgeous boy.
Thank you for letting him know real care and love ML.
& Gerry
We are so sorry to read about 007.
Many comforting hugs and purrrrrs!!!!
I am thankful that you were there for 007 and he had a peaceful trip to the Bridge, and he knew the joy of a loving home and a full belly in his last days.
Sending love & HUGS ML.
HEADBONKS from the Purries.
7 hearts from the seven Purries
for 007
At least at the end he was loved. Purrs & prayers from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde & their Feeders.
This is so sad. We just read his back story, he was so young. We are thankful that you made his last few days good ones.
This is the first I've heard about your rescue attempt, my friend, and I am so very sorry it turned out this way.
Form what I've read in your posts you did all that you could and that is all anyone can expect.
Hugs from Daddy Kiril, Mistress Elvira, and I.
We are so sorry to hear about 007's passing. Thank you for loving him so well. Purrs and prayers.
How so so sad. Only two years old and so many problems, but he had the greatest love in his last days of life. Purrs and Prayers to the Sherwoods. It is never easy having a sweetheart even for a few days. God Bless, Mom Mary Lynn.
Casper, Cleo, Patches and Mom too!!
i am so sorry to hear of this news. hug and purrs.
It's a sad time, but 007 had lots of love at the very end and that's what he'll remember.
God love you for caring so much!
Well at least 007 had a good send off for his final journey. Purrs.
We are so sorry to hear about 007.
RIP 007.
We are so sorry that 007 was so sick with so many issues. Bless his little heart. We are glad that you found him and could end his life peacefully rather than him dying a slow death outside, by himself. Many hugs to you and tons of purrs and purrayers to you.
Luf, Us and Maw
007 knew love and caring, and that is the sweet memory to hold close...that you were there for him.
My heartfelt sympathy and gratefulness for people like you who care!
I believe they run in happy fields of catnip with butterflies to chase. : )
Blessings to you.
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