Thursday, August 31, 2006
8/31 - Missy's Tummy
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
8/30 - Missy's Secret Paw, Buddy
A few seconds before, Missy had been rolling gleefully on the package. As we watched, little KC crept up to take a look.
Missy seemed intent on opening the package all by herself.
Missy said there was more than enough to share with her brand new little sister!
There was a "boo-ti-fuwl card" in Missy's favorite blue and white checks, a can of glorious salmon and lobster (LOBSTER!), crunchy bits of fish, a fev-ver toy, a shimmery ball, the best catnip ever (Missy had it open before we could get it out of the package) and a much-wanted Laser Penlight. What a haul!!!While Missy mellowed out with the nip, KC definitely loved the Laser Penlight the absolute best. After a few minutes of furious chasing, we threw in the fev-ver toy for her to "finish off". Purr-fect!
fank you, Buddy fer the bestest gifts ever
Love, Missy Blue Eyes and KC
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
8/29 - for Trixie
August 29, 2006 -- 9 pm Eastern Time
It seems appropriate for her.
Rest well, little dancer. --ML
God looked around his garden and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon the earth and saw your tired face.
He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful, he always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering; he knew you were in pain.
He knew that you would not get well on this earth again.
He saw the road was getting rough and the hills were hard to climb.
So he closed your weary eyelids and whispered "Peace be thine".
It breaks my heart to lose you, but you haven't gone alone.
For part of me went with you, the day God called you home.
~ Author Unknown ~
Sunday, August 27, 2006
8/26 - Five Week Anniversary!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
8/24 - KC asked Missy to play with some yarn...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
8/23 - KC has been resting...
In these two photos, you can see how big her feet are getting, and also all the wonderful colors.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
8/20 - KC's 1st "Kill"
Before I knew where "it" went, KC found it...
...she sized up the threat...
...stalked it for a few seconds...
"I putted the bitey on that bug, jus' like Cocoa showed me."
Saturday, August 19, 2006
8/19 - 4 Week Anniversary!!!
Friday, August 18, 2006
8/18 - KC & Theo Blogging
And look, KC's tapping Theo with her paw, to turn and have a look as well.
Danielle's cats each have their own blog -- the adorable Jake's World and his brother Spot's Spot.
Yesterday's visit to the Houston Cat Hospital showed that little KC now weighs in at 2 pounds, 1 ounce.
KC seems to have a type of chronic congestion that tiny kittens get when they are not cared for properly. Dr. Smith put her on some heavy-duty antibiotic in hopes of curing it for good.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Thursday, 8/17 - GWSK Theo Arrives!!!!
KC couldn't wait to see what was inside the big box.
Bear and KC welcomed THEO to his forever home!
KC thought Theo's Special GWS Blankie looked very comfortable. KC puts the "bitey" on the box, er, carrier, just like Cocoa, Grr and Midnite showed her.
Look at all the goodies Mom Robyn sent us. Wow. KC and Bear are very happy.
Along with Theo came a bunch of packages of yummy "bites" (what Bear calls food) and some catnip mousies. Plus an OFFICIAL ADOPTION PAPER for Theo from the House of the (Mostly) Black Cats.
KC & Bear -- and Missy, when she decides to grace us with a rare appearance -- all say "Fanks, Mom Robyn, Grandma Cat, Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree" for doing this wonderful work to find homes for all the Squillions. And our Mommy ML is even wearing a Squillion Tee Shirt right now!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Brand New Photos of Missy...
Tuesday, 8/15
Received the Squillions tee shirt today, it is great. Ordered the "economy" style, because I don't like thick, heavy tees. It's just light enough, but not flimsy and the imprint isn't thick and scratchy. Even has the Original Squillion names on it.
Our GWSC (Green Wall Shelter Cat), Theo hisself is currently enroute. Was relieved to hear that GWSCs can hold their breath for days, if needed, since they are traveling securely protected in plastic wrappers. We'll celebrate Theo's arrival, for sure. And also, when we get Missy's Secret Paw. Lots to look forward to. KC said she's gonna go rest up...!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
KC Tags...
Okay, I've thought it over and come up with my 5 "taggies". The lucky kitties are Taps, Snowy, Princess Sia, Shamy (Katnippia) and Chase (adorable son of Gypsy and Fievel). That was now I'm going to rest a bit on my new kitty tree.
Friday, August 11, 2006
KC was tagged...
Okay, five things about me (KC). I am too young to have much going on, but here goes:
1. I LOVE Grr, Midnight and Cocoa, cause I stayed with them first; I enjoy their bloggie.
2. I love to play with feathers (Grr says it's "fev-vers") and empty shopping bags.
3. I love my vet, Dr. Smith of Houston Cat Hospital and the yummy food she prescribed for me.
4. I love to sit on my Daddy Charley's shoulder, like a little parrot.
5. I love the homemade chicken soup my Mommy ML cooks.
Oh, I was wrong. There is a lot about me. Maybe I'll do a Thursday Thirteen!
Help! Is there anyone out there who isn't tagged????
You wanna see a tummy picture...lookie here... I'm sticking my tongue out at Mommy for taking this picture! Don't tell, but under all these colors of furs, I'm bright pink!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Missy Blue Eyes was tagged...
Here's the rules [which I shamefully COPIED from Mini's blog]:
- The player of this game starts with "5 weird things / habits about yourself".
- In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
- The people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims.
- Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Five Weird Things / Habits About Me -- Missy Blue Eyes:
- I will only drink water from a glass...
- I knead and nuzzle my humans while they sleep, being aloof is an act...
- I do not like treats except for Dasini water and it must be freshly opened...
- I hate to be brushed...
- I must have kitty grass every day or I pout!
Now... Missy Blue Eyes tags:
- Captain Casper
- Jake
- Emily
- Grr
- Mrs. B
Project 2996 - A Tribute to 9/11 Victims
The idea for the project is that an individual blogger is assigned a
I was assigned Thomas Langone, age 39, a Police Officer killed at the World Trade Center while trying to rescue those trapped inside. His brother, a Firefighter, died at WTC the same day.
I discovered this project at Secret Paws , it originated at BritCats. This project was started around the end of June 2006 and is still lacking in members. As expressed on Secret Paws, it would be great if the cat blogging community could step in and lend a hand...or paw!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Caught KC Red-Handed...
Wednesday 8/9/06
The kitty tree is becoming more popular. Missy has started to take notice of it. Love the look on KC's face in the first picture, as she gazes at Missy. She wants so badly to play with Hissy Missy.
Also, I put the kitty grass nearby so KC could have a shot at it.
Unfortunately, KC did not quite grasp the function of kitty grass. She promptly reared up on her hind legs, wrapped her paws around the grass, and then jumped...squash...right on top of the grass. So now it looks rather bedraggled, but suppose it is just as tastey.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Tuesday, 8/8
Think little KC must be exhausted after showing Charley how to assemble her new kitty tree yesterday. She has slept on the upper level almost all day long.
Good News: Remember little Millie that hero Malcolm rescued? She now has a forever home and a blog: Darling Millie. And she is a doll. Check her out!
Also, check out my posting: Malcolm and "No Name Yet" from June 2006.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Monday, 8/7: Photos
Monday, 8/7
Bear and KC already romp all over the place, with the 16-plus year old poodle rolling on the floor like a pup. Now, it seems, Missy wants to join in the fun.
Hopefully, this week the Kitty Tree will arrive, and possibly Theo, the Green Wall Shelter Kitty, and maybe even the Secret Paw for Missy.
And QM Rose should be receiving a small token worthy of her station in life, something terribly appropriate for the many,, how to put it delicately, ...antics, that's it, ...antics of the young royals and even of Her Highness herself, Queen Emily.
ALERT: If you are as enamored of the Litter of Squillions as I am, you must go to The House of the Mostly Black Cats and check out all the goodies to order.
The kitty tree arrived and is put together, will be posting photos of in a minute. KC helped and helped and helped. Ahem.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Sunday 8/6
Know what a BEAUVART is? If you have a cat, you probably have 'em. Check it out.
Don't know what a DLS is? Go to Kat's Cat of the Day and check out the sidebar "Kat Speak". Hint: It's a SECRET gift to someone, in this case, to Missy and KC.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
8-5-06: 2 Week Anniversary
And Missy is becoming more affectionate -- at least towards us.
She isn't sure yet about the little peanut following her around.