Audace & Ruse posted their warm weather preparations.
Here is KC in two cool snooze spots.
The first position demonstrates the Monty-With-A-Top-Twist.
The bottom is the standard Slightly-Sideways-Monty.
(For info on the "Monty", see Millie and Monty's blogs).
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KC looks very comfortable practicing her Montys. She just keeps on getting prettier and prettier.
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KC, those are some very good Montys you are doing!
I love it! Absolutely terrific demonstrations of the Monty variations. Well done. KC looks great!
Hehee, very cute KC! I like the "monty-w/a-top-twist"!
Oh, a Monty with a twist. Furry nice. If dis were a 'lympic event dey wood say yoo had grate form!
Stretch! KC, those are lovely variations on the Monty. :)
KC great Monty poses. Where did you learn to do them?
Have a serene Sunday,
Samantha and Tigger
Great Montys! Lookin good!
Very good Montys, KC. You look very cute doing them too.
your bud Pepi
You're almost a black belt at the Monty!
Skittles, The Huntress
...ahem....KC....you have your boobies hangin' out again!.......
I love tortie Montys! I will have to search pictures tonight and see if any of my heard have some Monty shots.
You look furry furry comfy!
Those are great Monty poses! I'm feeling a bit faint, even though this is the eighty-squillionth time I've been by to look!
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