The Serenity Prayer for Pets
God grant me the Serenity to accept the owners I cannot train,
Courage to train the owners I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.
(The Animal Rescue Site sells a plaque with this prayer)
Click here to feed a stray -- do it once a day!
God grant me the Serenity to accept the owners I cannot train,
Courage to train the owners I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.
(The Animal Rescue Site sells a plaque with this prayer)

all i am sayin iz giv peace a chance.
luv--yer frend--jh
That's a lovely globe - we're having such fun looking at all the beautiful peace globes!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Happy Peace Day!
It's a great day for peace!
Peace be wif yous!
Peace to you!
I visit all the click to donate sites every day, including the ones at Care2!
Great globe and I clicked the button.
Peace to you KC and Missy
I like your pretty globe. This is such a happy day.
Peaceful purrs to you.
Loved the prayer! Peace to you and yours my friends!
Isn't this fun, checking out all the Peace Globes. Yours is very nice and we love the pictures. Let here be peace on earth and let it begin with us.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom
P.S. Mom couldn't get our pictures on the Globe, she uses Adobe Photo Shop 5. Anyone know how? We want to be prepared for next year. Thanks.
your globe looks purrfectly lovely!
smiles, auntie bee
purrrrrs! thank you fur doing ours. we love your serenity prayer!
May the warmth and spirit of this Peace Globe Day bring us all peace. You’re globe is beautiful.
From WTIT: the most peaceful Tape Radio Station ever…
what a fine globe you haf there, kc! you are furry kind to offur to help ofur kitties get one, too! but then, that's just you, dearie . . .!
purrs & loves from all the meowers!!!
Peace to KC, Missy and your mum. Love the quote.
Missy, KC and ML, may your world be ever peaceful, our good friends.
Rocky, Lucy, Callie, Fracas, LittleGirl, Bitsy, Ivan, BlackieBear, Somber, Atlas, Casey, Sibley, Holly, Fred, Pepper, and Sharolyn, Suzanne, Jason & Tiffany
KC and Missy we really like your Peace Globe. I like that Serenity prayer too. Mom says it's cute. All of us really want to thank your Mom so much for making ours. It's so pretty. Gosh your Mom is smart on the computer, she sure can help you both do your posts.
I love your peace globe and your prayer. Peace and love to you and all your family. I clicked the button, too.
I'm cruising by from Mimi's. Happy Peace Globe Day.
Peace to you!
Peace and purrs to you all! Thanks for all your work on the blogosphere, too!
Peace be always with you!
Love your globes, and your serenity prayer (first time I've seen it in that form! :-D )
Peace to you and yours, now and always
Words that Flow
There's a Serenity Prayer for Pets? I never knew. Gosh, cats teach me an awful lot.
Love the peace globe!
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