While posting all the wonderful entries for the
Carnival of the Cats this past week,
I noticed Bond was watching one particular post with great interest.
The cat artiste who created a unique statement in paper towels sculpture.
Bond is certainly no novice in paper sculpture,
he has extensive experience with t.p. [toilet paper],
but he has never lifted a paw towards a project as ambitious as this.
Until he saw that post.
Let's watch him work.
Once the vision is clearly defined in his mind's eye,
Bond makes the first decisive moves toward achieving his vision.
He is judging his efforts thus far with a very critical eye.
Ah, the artist working with a passion.
Bond has paused and appears to be contemplating...
perhaps which direction to take next?
Looks like he made a good choice.
While not as intricate as his untitled and unsigned inspiration
it is an adequate first effort, don't you think?

Carnival of the Cats this past week,
I noticed Bond was watching one particular post with great interest.
The cat artiste who created a unique statement in paper towels sculpture.
Bond is certainly no novice in paper sculpture,
he has extensive experience with t.p. [toilet paper],
but he has never lifted a paw towards a project as ambitious as this.
Until he saw that post.
Let's watch him work.
Once the vision is clearly defined in his mind's eye,
Bond makes the first decisive moves toward achieving his vision.
He is judging his efforts thus far with a very critical eye.

perhaps which direction to take next?

While not as intricate as his untitled and unsigned inspiration
it is an adequate first effort, don't you think?

Buzzy has founded a School! Not the Ashcan School exactly . . . the Bounty School perhaps . . . I think we could hope for some corporate sponsorship . . .
I can see that Bond is a young artist, so he may yet take the form in new directions.
Bond, you are quite the artist! Very impressive job with the paper towel!
Bond is a true Artiste!
Keep up the good work Bond!
That is a very good first effort. He may be a Davinci in the making.
I look forward to his next offering!
Ha ha ha . . . great job, Bond!
Well, as amba said (see 1st comment), it was her Buzzy that inspired Bond. I think the Bounty School is a fitting name for Buzzy's style and vision. Ahhh, corporate sponsorship.
And we are looking forward to Buzzy's future creations as well. No telling how many new artists Buzzy will inspire with his unique art.
Also, I did mention that all of Bond' s previous works were in the medium of TP (toilet paper), so we may yet anticipate some mixed media using both TP and Bounty Paper Towels. How about that to look forward to.
That's a great piece of artwork. I am very impressed!
Bond, that was a very pretty sculpture you made. We can't believe your mom just let you continue with it while she took pictures.
KC - we didn't want you to feel bad - you do an excellent job as a reporter.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Bond, you are a remarkable sculptor! Our Fracas works in the same medium, but I think your work is artistically superior to his.
Well, Artsy Catsy, you must publish this work. We are thinking of having an art show. Bond is certainly practicing. And Buzzy is already a master of the Bounty School.
We do that with toilet paper rolls. We never knew we were artists. We shall tell Mommy this immediatly so she will stop yelling when we start shredding the toilet paper!
Clearly Bond is a great artist - we love the medium he uses!
you're such a natural artist bond! this is fantastic. you could totally make money off your sculptures.
Ha, now that the Bounty School has so many fans maybe mom won't yell when we start practicing our art...
Bond, that's an impressive effort - you're very lucky that your mom let you keep creating your masterpiece while she watched. When I (Tasha) have tried to create my own artworks using TP, my mum just takes me away from my work.
We're both looking forward to seeing more of your artworks,
Purrs from Gypsy & Tasha
Che Magnifique!
That is the Best.Game.Ever!
Wow, I didn't realise that Bond was so artistic!
u is so lucky your mum let u finish, our always scweams and makes us stop our sculptings
Haha, love to watch cats ripping off stuff.
Bond, we are enjoying your work so much! Our human doesn't appreciate claw art! She keeps the tp and paper towels in the cabinet under sink!
Maxx and Roxy
hm.. cognitively style
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