Sol, sound asleep in the skybox.

Babie Socks, isn't he handsome.

Babie Tortie, she is really a beauty.

Bond, James Bond, stretched out asleep (see the little white moustache).

My baby Sol. Note the white hairs on his chest...
he could be a member of the Tuxedo Gang, couldn't he?

And Nigel. Look at those deep golden eyes. He has taken to following me around. When he mews, it sounds more like a little goat. Cracks me up. He is quite the talker.
we finks its so great that all the kittehs has intergrated and becomes a part of the family. OUr momma is still pretty bummed about not being ables to adopt little baby tortie. She looks like such a sweety! But we put the claw down, four kittehs and 2 beans in a tiny house is just full enough to be cozy.
What adorable little babies! And they are growing up so fast. My Mommie laughed at the little goat comment, we could just imagine that sound.
King Obsidian had a tiny white spot on his chest like Sol's and it grew as he did. Now it about the size of the end of Bob's finger.
What gorgeous babies. They are so precious.
Wow how big everyone is grwoing
Oh goodness, Mommy is trying to get through the computer again so that she can pet the kitties! Will she NEVER learn? Those are great pictures! Mommy is really looking forward to coming and seeing everyone! She was hoping that you would be free to visit on Friday, March 28th. That is when she will be in Houston.
Purrs to all the gang at the Sherwood Shelter!
You just have a house full of cuteness over there. Very nice.
Very beautiful - all of them! :)
Oh you all look so comfy! I need a nap!
Nothing more cute than a bunch of snoozing kitties :)
Purrs Mickey
What an adorable kitty family!!
Such cute tuxie kitties, just like us!
Everyone looks so calm and sleepy. Hope that lasted all day long!
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