Mr. Romeo is also Momma Tortie's and Momma Dinah's baby-daddy.
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You guys are all so cute ~ KC seems to be a very vigilant guard!
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)
The catgrass really sets of KC's pretty green eyes!
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the KC guards her grass!
Mr. Romeo is quite the "romeo". Me thinks he doth need to be "fixed"...although he does "make" pretty kittens. :)
ML: How are you feeling? Has KC seen the poem that Sam wrote for her?
KC - you do a great job of guarding that grass, and it looks yummy!
KC,how can you sit there and not eat ALL the grass?!!
You most certainly would have to guard it from me,heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
KC, you look so beautiful with your grass!
I guard all my toys. KC is very smart to guard her grass.
As well she should - that's *her grass! :)
I agree with Daisy - the catgrass & KC's eyes go very well together!
Not The Mama
So pretty! I have a special place in my heart for the orange and black kitties. I've tried catgrass with my kitties and the little piggies eat it all too fast and then urp it up. (eew) :) I hope you are feeling better!
Hugs and Purrs,
We think Mr Romeo needs da ole snip snip...
thank god,missy is gonna be ok.can't wait to see them both wide open again.your truely one of the most beautiful kitties i've ever seen.get well soon=)
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