Ann of
Zoolatry made this gorgeous "
Celebrate for Missy" graphic.
Update: Missy and KC are both sleeping and healing close by each other right now. KC did suffer extreme trauma. She will not leave Missy's carrier, she is either inside or on top of it. I made Missy a bed in the closet by the carrier, where it is dark. Her eye is still yellow-ish, but it should return to it's beautiful blue color. We have to watch her very closely for signs the eye is not healing properly, just in case. Dr. Smith wants to see her in a few days. But she is expected to make a full recovery and have two healthy, beautiful baby blues.
Thank you for all the support. I just about came unglued with this incident, guess everyone in the blogosphere could tell and gave me lots and lots of support. Thank you.
Please, please, please keep my beautiful Missy in your prayers,that she doesn't lose an eye or her eyesight.Her big beautiful blue eye is badly scratched.
It is very swollen outside, and when she does open it, it is not blue, but a reddish-yellow.
There are a lot of tears with some blood in it.
She is sleeping on the recliner beside me and she did eat a few temptations.
Missy will see Dr. Smith when she opens this morning.
I talked to ML at around 5:30 this morning. Missy had an accident last night that scratched her eye quite badly. ML is taking her to the vet (Dr. Smith) as soon as they open, which is 7:00 a.m.
Please pray for Missy's quick recovery.
Purrs & Prayers from the Taylor CatSSSSS.
Love, Deb
Sorry, I don't know what happened, suspect DP Blogger struck again. I can't find the first post, I think Dread Pirate Blogger ate it!
Thanks for all your purrs and good wishes and prayers for sweet Missy Blue Eyes.
And feel free to post again. I am so shook up right now I am sick to my stomach.
Gotta go to the vet, will keep in touch with Deb from the vet's office and she can post the outcome while I'm still there.
Thanks again, everyone, for all the support.
We is purring for missy. I hope everything is ok.
Eye injuries can be quite painful, too. We'll keep purring for Missy.
We are all purring and praying for Missy -- and for ML and Charley and everyone else, too. These kinds of incidents are very distressing for all, so we are purring and praying for everyone in the household.
Marilynn, Grace & Company
Our softest purrs will go to Missy and hopes she gets grate noos this mornin at the VET....
Oh noes....I hopes yur eye gets bettur reel soon. I will puurrrsss all day jus fur yoo an Iz gonna make Shadow do sum puppy prayins fur yoo too.
Pee Ess - Autumn, iffen yoo needs a stwong mini-mancat to cumfurt an snuggle yoo, pweese let me noe. I willna mynd at alls.
Oh no! I am purring hard for Missy. I'll also keep my paws crossed that she gets good news at the vet.
Oh, Missy... I'll purr for you all day. I know eyes can be a problem. I've had one removed but hope you don't have to go thru that.
UPDATE: I just talked to ML. Missy is NOT going to lose her eye. She has a serious abrasion and needs antibiotics. She will be at the vet until tomorrow. Dr. Smith doesn't thinkk she will lose sight in the eye. Please keep her in your prayers. I'll update you when I hear more.
Love, Deb
We are purring and praying HARD for Missy and her family.
Your friends,
Kate, Toby and Cupcake (fka Lydia)
oh no! we is gonna be purrayin extra fer missy.
yuki & kimiko & kintaro
Oh Missy we will purr for you super meezer hard! I hope your eye will be ok!
Oh no! Poor Missy! We are purring and purraying that her eye will be okay and she feels better soon.
We's been purrin all nite for Missy! And we'll keep purrin! We's furry glad to heer that the wonnerful Dr. Smith finks it can heel up wif aunty-biotics.
And "Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs" (Mom Robyn's cheezy human imitashun purr)
Lots of purrayers coming your way Missy!
ML left this message at the Taylor CatSSSSS:
Thank you, Deb, for keeping everybody updated on beautiful Missy. KC is also at the vets, she will probably be able to come home tonight. She is traumatized after Missy's accident.
Thanks to everyone for their prayers, I feel much better knowing that all of you are so supportive and caring.
I'll keep updating you when I get new information.
Maybe she will just need some eyedrops. If not, she will still have one eye and most cats do very well with one eye. My Bean used to have a completely blind cat that was fine around the house, once she bumped her nose a few times and figure out where everything was, she never had any problems after that. Good luck to Missy.
MOXIE2003Oh Missy :( I am so glad you will Not lose your eye or sight :)
I will keep purring that no big infection hurts your eye.
Get well soon! That sounds like an awful owie! KC, take good care of Missy, ML, an Charlie, an efurryone else!
Healin purrs from the cold but sunny land of snow, snow, snow an mo snow,
Victor & Bonnie
Oh poor sweet Missy. Puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrssssssss we just read about your accident. We are so glad you won't lose your beautiful eye or your sight. We are still very worried about you and KC. We are keeping you in our purrs and prayers. Please let us know what we can do for you!!!!
oh Missy, we are purraying for a speedy recovery for you sweetie.
and KC you sweet girl, please don't werry yourself sick anymore!! you poor thing being so traumatised. You get better too and come home quick!
I am purring and purring and purring my very hardest for Missy's eye to get all better soon. It sounds very, very hurty. I am glad to read that she will not lose the eye, so that's great news.
Oh no!! We will purr and purr for her until she comes home!
I am so happy Missy will not lose her eye and the sight. But it looks very painful.
We will send many healing purrs to Missy, and purrs to KC and ML too!
Ruis & the kitty gang
Oh Missy, we are praying for ya, sweetie! (you too, KC & ML!!!!)
Not The Mama, Daphne, Chloe, Spooker, Jazper, Little Isis, and Callie
Missy I hope you are feeling better now that you have been to the doc!
Poor little Missy, I do hope your eye heals soon and you feel better. Poor KC and ML too. Take care all of you xx
We hope your eye will feel much better real soon.
HUGS~ Chancy, Ernie's Voice & Jake
I heard about Missy on Mr. Hendrix The Kitty's blog. I'm so sorry for her. I'll light a candle for her in front of my Bast statue. May she recover soon and feel lots better!
I's just read the update that is great news
Yipe! We just found out about Missy and KC. We're all hoping Missy and her eye both recover soonest.
oh no! we're all sending lotsa prayers, purrs and love your way. purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
We just talked to the Animal Hospital and they will be examining Missy in about an hour -- it's 11:28 a.m. Central time here -- and will let us know how bad the damage is soon after. Keep your fingers crossed that her eye will be okay.
pee ess: Is anyone else having blogger problems today? I've lost posts, had to sign in each time I comment and/or post, problems uploading photos... arghhhhhh!
Oh no! I'z sorry to heer abowt the accident that Missy had but I'z happy that her eye will get better. It woodn't be the same if she had to change her name to Missy Blue Eye or Missy One Eye!
Oh no! We'll be purring and purraying our hardest here...poor baby, poor mommy and KC too! purrrrrrrrrr purrrrrrr purrrrrrrr...
Hugs and purrs and purrayers for all of you!
We iz purraying hard for Missy ~ we hope everything turns out fine!
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
Oh, goodness ... We all hope that Missy will be okay an' that her eye will heal. How furry scary!
We are purring and purraying for Missy!! Mom was gone all morning and we just now heard! We saw the update at the CB! So glad she will not lose her eye! We are sending healing vibes to her right now!! Purrrs for KC, ML and Daddy Charley and everyone at the home!!
Your FL furiends,
we is purrin' an' purrrayin' for poor missy--an' our mom is, too. she knows how hurty that is, acause her furrst husband once accidentally scratched her cornea wif his beard (don't ask), an' it took lotsa drops an' medysins until it was ok again. but she's OK, an' we bets missy will be, too. we will purr for dr smif, miss deb, an' miss ml an' all the staff to do their furry best for missy--an' poor kc, too!
love & head bumps,
the meowers
healing thoughts and comforting purrs going out to all at the Sherwood Shelter!!
Oh Missy. We too will be keeping you, KC and MommaML in our thoughts and purrayers! I's all too familiar w/eye boo boo's!
-Emma, Kat and family
We are sending Missy tons of purrs! We are so happy that she will not lose one of her beautiful blue eyes.
We are also sending purr to KC!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We just read the good news on the Blogosphere - we'll still be purring for a speed recovery!
Oh my, poor little Missy! We are revving up a whole houseful of purrs for Missy, KC, ML and everyone, and we'll just keep right on sending them until this trauma is over and Missy is as good as new again.
& the Artsy Catsy houseful
Missy, we're purrin' for you. Keep us updated.
That's very good news she won't lose her eyesight. It's too bad she can't come home tonight.
I am purring and purring and purring for you pretty blue eyed cat xxplease keep us posted! x
Oh Missy, we are all sending you our purrs and crossing all our paws,
Missy we heard over at Skeezix's bloggie that you have a hurty eye. We are purring and praying that you make a full recovery!
You are such a beautiful girl and we love your gorgeous blue eyes!
Eye injuries are so scary! I'm so glad that your not going to lose your eye, I hope everything with your sight it Ok too. I took a claw to the brow (1/4" from my eye) and my eye swelled shut, it scared momma bad! luckily drops made me all better! ~Queen Snickers
i'm purrin an purrayin fer u.
Oh,I have just learned of this from Daisy's blog. Poor sweet kitty! And poor mommy and KC too! I will pray and pray for all pain and infection to leave Missy's precious little body. I'm glad to read that she won't lose her eye. You will all be in my thoughts and my angel candle will be lit for her.
Hugs and Purrs,
Willow and I are holding paws and purrring very seriously for Missy's eye to be OK.
Purrrrrr, Purrrrr, Purrrrrr, Purrrrrr
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
So sorry to hear about Missy's accident. Sending purrs for Missy, and KC too, and hoping for better news soon.
Fat Eric
I just talked to ML. Missy and KC are coming home! Missy's eye is going to be fine. She just has to have special drops put in the eye for a while. KC is doing much better. She was worried about her sisfur! ML & Charley are tired but quite happy to be bringing their babies home. Thank you to everyone for all their purrs and prayers!
Love, Deb
Oh I am so very sad to hear about your ouchy Missy! I will keep you in my purrrrayer box until you are completely recovered from it! I know you will be...till then let me make you a nice cuppa camomile tea because it promotes healing.
poor sweet mommy and KC you also need a cup to steady the nerves...oh how aweful to have this happen.
Much Love Miss Peach
We are purring for Missy.
Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Oh, Missy, I am purring and purraying for you very hard...I hope the V-E-T is able to and heal up!
We just read the good news. We're soooo HAPPY Missy comes home together with KC!!!
We keep on purring for a quick recovery for Missy. And you all take a good night sleep and rest.
Ruis & the kitty gang
Henny & Marlene
We visited earlier today and left a comment on the post that disappeared. We just seen the update that Missy and KC are coming home together today and that Missy's eye will be ok. That's great news. We'll keep sending purrs to all of you and keep you in our prayers.
we've checked in a squillion times today. we're very anxious to hear she's home and okay (KC too)! purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Missy, I hope your eye gets better real soon. Sending purrs your way.
We are so happy to hear that Missy is healing and will keep her eye and her eyesight!!!! Sorry for not being around earlier - we are not visiting much lately - it's the humans fault!
We will keep purring for a speedy recovery!!!!
What a sweet sister KC is to want to care for Missy. We are so glad they are home with you. I can't imagine how hard this was for you ML.
Know Hendrix and I are sending our strongest purrs and prayers to you all, especially Missy that her stunning eyes are all healed up soon.
(all grab paws and yell) YIPPEE!
Hope KC and Missy are feeling better tomorrow.
can't wate till your pretty bloo eyez are all better
We are all purrrrrrrrrring very hard that Missy's eye heals quickly and that KC is able to leave the trauma behind her and heal her heart. We also pray that you, ML will heal quickly from this ordeal. It sounds absolutely terrifying experience. It is obviois that you are all well loved. Hopefully that will cary you through the rough time.
Peace, love and purrs,
Ty and family
Goodnesss how did that happen? But glad that pretty Missy is doing OK and home again.
Rest well Missy. Purrs.
Oh Missy, so many purrs and prayers going up for you. If things are misspelled please forgive cause Mom can't type through her tears. Oh please get well real soon. KC please take real good care of her.
Oh sorry KC, I'm sorry you are suffering to. I know you love your sister very much. I didn't read down before making the other comment but so very very glad you are not going to loose your eyesight sweet Missy. You and KC get lots of rest O.K. God Bless you and your Mom and Dad. I know it is very hard on them too.
How terribly scary for all of you. I'm glad the prognosis is good, but we are still purrin' hard!
Kavan and Tara
We are all purraying vary vary vary hard for yoo. We wunt to see both yer baby bloos bak to normul in no time. And kisses to KC!
Somehow we missed what happened, but we sure hope the eye heals completely and quickly. That would be scary.
jans funny farm
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