Biggify, her eye (left) looks much better.

So very thankful for the fact Missy is going to be okay.
She and KC were asleep since they got home and
continue to sleep all day Saturday.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support, comments, emails, e-cards, etc.
You don't know what it means when you're stressed and losing it to have all this wonderful, positive support pouring in.
::kisses very lightly on your hurty eye:: We are all still purring for you and KC!!
Take care of each other.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Oh the dear little soul! We all feel for her and send her purrs!
We are soooo happy all will be okay!
Take care of each other, and have a great weekend.
A still purring Ruis and the other kitties.
We're thankful too that Missy is feelin' better!
We are so happy that Missy and KC were sent home to be with you. We feel that healing occurs much faster when they are home with the people we love. We will be purring for the two of them.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
dear ML! How could this have happened do you know at all? Gosh I have been thinking about Missy and KC all day long. It is good to know they are home again with you on the road to comfort and healing. there is no place like home.
Love Miss Peach
Good things happen for good kitties... so glad all is well.
Dearest Missy,
We is still prayin' for you. Just know that everything is gonna be okay.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
That is such good news. We were so upset when we heard what had happened, but glad everything should be all right.Poor beautiful Missy, it was an awful thing to happen to her.
We are relieved that you are home safe Missy. I hope your recovery goes very quickly. We're still over here purring for you and KC.
We're all SOOOOO happy that Missy and KC are home and getting better. We'll keep purring and praying that all goes well and that soon you'll all be back to normal.
Purrs, hugs, and kisses.
Marilynn, Grace & Company
I am so happy Missy will be OK!!
Our Purrs have been answered :)
I'll still keep sending them to her.
Purrs Mickey
so happy everycat is home now!
Big healing purrs for Missy and KC. And for ML's nerves!
Smooches to you both! We are gonna' keep praying that everything will be OK!
We are very glad to hear Missy is doing good , Puuuurs and Puurayers for you!!! , Church is having surgery this morning.. He sends , his well wishes along as well. He should be plopped in my lap very soon!!
That is so wonderful! We are very happy - now sleep till you are all healed....
We are SO HAPPY to know that KC & Missy are home. We know that Missy will heal very quickly and that those beautiful blue eyes will soon be all better.
We have all been purring and praying for you!
{{Gentle Huggss}} Glad to know everyone is home and healing.
Oh Little Missy, we just found out! Our computer has been broken for a week and we are just now catching up!
We are so happy your pretty blue eye will be all better and are very sorry you had to go through this awful experience!
We're glad Missy and KC are home, we'll keep purrin' and purrayin' for them both!!
Oh, sweet Missy and KC, we're all so glad you're back home and everything is going to be okay! But we won't stop sending purrs until your beautiful eye is all healed and open and shining again.
we're so happy you're both home. we are sending you more soft purrss and prayers that you will be all better soon.
We are glad they are doing well. Purr Missy!
I am very glad that you are both back home where you belong, and that Missy's eye is on the mend.
It's good to see your beautiful blue eyes both open and clear!
That is the best news that everything's going to be okay!
Thank goodness it looks like her eye is healing very well. Lots of continuing purrs.
Missy, we're furry happy that yore eye is getting better. It's lookin lots better frum here! We'll keep sendin purrs and purrayers til it's allllllllll heeled up.
Sanjee and the Hotties
THERE is that other BEAUTIFUL BLUE EYE! Missy, we are so happy that you are feeling better!
Much love and kisses from us to you & KC!
What a relief! Oh, Missy ... We are so grateful that your beautiful eye is gonna be okay.
Missy I is glad you doesn't have to be a pirate, although there is nothing wrong with pirates.
Rest up and I hopes your eye feels better soon. It's a nice picture of you on the dryer.
Thanks everyone. Missy and KC are both sleeping so hard. Don't think they have ever been this tired out. Hopefully, they are healing fast and will be back to normal very soon.
Missy needs to go back to Dr. Smith on Friday, or sooner if needed, just to make sure it heals properly.
When they get caught up on sleep, then I might be able to get some sleep. I'm so "wound up" right now I can't sleep.
I'm so relieved that Missy and KC are home and healing with the family. I prayed and prayed that she wouldn't be in any pain. Elton John sings a song called "Blue Eyes" and it got stuck in my head. :) I haven't heard that song in years... It's time for you to rest now ML. Snuggle with your babies and we will all send healing loving wishes.
Hugs and Purrs,
Oh noes! I just heard and rushed over. We did not have computer access until just now. Glad to hear that Missy is better. Purrrrrrrrs for her early recovery.
Awwww, poor sweet Missy! I am glad she's doin bettur and we Ballicai will purr and purr and purr for her.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Purrrrs and hugs Missy and KC!!!We are purrring and sending healing vibes to Missy's eyes! We are so glad it is going to be fine!
Your FL furiends,
I'm behind on all the news here! So sorry to hear about Missy's injury. I hope her beautiful eye is healing nicely now.
Purrs & kisses,
We are so sorry to hear about Missy's accident but very happy to hear that she is going to be okay, and her eye will remain its gorgeous blue color.
We will send her lots of healing purrrs.
I am glad to hear that Missy is feeling better and that she'll get to keep her eye. We'll keep purring for her to heal up quickly!
Oh dear! Poor Missy....I'm gwad to hear your eye is getting better! Sending some kisses and purrs to you...
Missy dear, we're so happy to hear the good news. Take it easy and soon you'll be all better.
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