Sorry, no new post today. A friend, who has been sick since yesterday,
ending up going to the hospital with a possible heart attack.
We were caring for her all of yesterday and all this morning.
So Missy, Casper and the S.A. had to take second place.
Here is what KC and I have determined:
(1) My guess: The cat in the photo is Casper. What do you think?
(2) S.A. posted after the reveal photo, so the photo is not S.A.
(3) We don't know anymore than we did before the photo.
(4) We know nothing about S.A.'s identity.
(5) Casper is an extremely handsome mancat.
i's gonna write a Thursday Thirteen about Missy's Secret Admirer.
then i realized, i don't know nuffin about tha S.A.
i's emailed Karl, finking maybe he had some unpublished shots
taken by Emil at tha Cinco de Mayo party.
An Karl forwarded one lone photo....
Missy lifting a mask off of a furry love-struck kitty...
Sorry, no new post today. A friend, who has been sick since yesterday,
ending up going to the hospital with a possible heart attack.
We were caring for her all of yesterday and all this morning.
So Missy, Casper and the S.A. had to take second place.
Here is what KC and I have determined:
(1) My guess: The cat in the photo is Casper. What do you think?
(2) S.A. posted after the reveal photo, so the photo is not S.A.
(3) We don't know anymore than we did before the photo.
(4) We know nothing about S.A.'s identity.
(5) Casper is an extremely handsome mancat.
i's gonna write a Thursday Thirteen about Missy's Secret Admirer.
then i realized, i don't know nuffin about tha S.A.
i's emailed Karl, finking maybe he had some unpublished shots
taken by Emil at tha Cinco de Mayo party.
An Karl forwarded one lone photo....
Missy lifting a mask off of a furry love-struck kitty...

"i asked emil to look through his memory chip (i do NOT have anything to do with this stuff - emil is our paparazzi photographer....) and guess what: there was a picture where missy takes the mask off a cat - let's hope that IS the secret admirer...... i don't know if that helps in any way - but that's all he got...... karl --- p.s. - the mask and bow tie that the secret admirer wore is from gretchen's tea party!!!!!"
An did anyone notice that yesserday's post was
about Missy an yet tha S.A. never commented!

Be sure to check out Behind the Scenes at CCSI 3.
fur a few dollars donation, you's can see secret photos of tha stars misbehaving.
who knows who and what is in there????
Update: i donated a couple of dollars an got tha photos.
all i can say is... shocking! aren't there laws????
about Missy an yet tha S.A. never commented!
This is all i's could get outta Missy when i's asked her about tha pickshure....

Be sure to check out Behind the Scenes at CCSI 3.
fur a few dollars donation, you's can see secret photos of tha stars misbehaving.
who knows who and what is in there????
Update: i donated a couple of dollars an got tha photos.
all i can say is... shocking! aren't there laws????
This is sooooo cute! Didn't I say Emil has a future as a paparazzi photographer.
Back to you, Missy! Pease tell!
KC said...
O, Emil is a grrreat purr-purrazzi photographer. i's gonna get them behind tha scenes photos of CCSI3, just cause i's nosey. hee hee.
Does anyone recognize tha S.A.????
i's wish Missy would jus talk.
I think we know who it is...
KC said...
tha cat in tha pickshure looks familiar... i's got a guess, too... but i's not sure.
Emil is a great photographer! We wonder who the Secret Admirer is?
wait, a post all about missy and no SA comment? maybe we should be looking to see who didn't post a blog entry yesterday to narrow it down? we need Horatio Cane on this case.
Who is that love-struck kitty???
OH SO CUTE!!! Emil is a wonderful photographer! We don't know who the S.A. is!
We paid a few green papers and got the "behind the scenes" photos....they are worth every green paper! FANTASTIC!!! You know that Sassy is in this production. You NEVER know what she will do!
Missy: Auntie Deb here....will you tell me who your S.A. is? I won't tell anyone? What? Okay....Missy's Paw: Will you tell me?
Hmmm.... Guess not!
What a great picture! Ooooh . . . Missy . . . please tell!
That is too cute. I wonder who the admirer is!
I don't recognize your SA! Who is it? Who is it? Please tell us Missy!
This is so very intriguing!
I have an idea who the secret admirer is, but I am not certain. Emil, you are a great photographer!
Who is dat masked man? He looks familiar and yet...we don't know fur sure. Emil is furry sneaky, funny how no one notices him der wif his camera! And dem behind da scenes pikshers! Shocking, just shocking.
ooooooooooo Missy's secret admirer may not be a secret much longer! how exciting!
remember, it was Bendrix caught by Emil, not me....
Talk to the paw!
You go, girl!
Oh Missy, the SA is furry handsome!! We don't recognize him either! Please do tell us!! Inquiring minds want to KNOW!!!
Your FL furiends,
I know who he is...but i'm not telling! I'll let Miss BE tell herself! :P
Missy - I hope you will find love!!!!
As for Emil - I think he has found his vocation! Not even one year old, the little brat! Mrs. OZ and I can not do a thing anymore here at the ranch wihtout getting "flashed" - Emil "practices" all day long....... who would have known.....
No post today from Anonymous "Secret Admirer". Very strange.
Maybe something happened between them at the party?
I'll go see what Casper has going on at his blog. This is very strange.
Oh, one thing more, that was BENDRIX? Guess I should have realized Mr. Hendrix would NEVER do anything like THAT.
Those photos were worth every penny. Even more.
Emil has a real career ahead of himself, that is for sure. Can you imagine him in Hollywood or Washington DC?????
Ha!! I don't look anything like that cat. Missy Blue Eyes thank you ever so much for keeping my secret. I guess you do know how much I love you. Emil, you are a good photographer, but Ha you didn't catch me. I love talking to your paw and look into those beautiful blue eyes. I am so very sorry that I missed your post yesterday sweet Missy Blue Eyes. You were so lovely, as ever.
Your Secret Admirer
Missy, KC and Faith;
I tagged you for a new meme.
Hi guys, you is all very hansome. I luf your fotos. Thanks for teleporting over and keeping me company when I was abandoned recently.
great picture! and the comment from SA...the mystery continues. LOVE IT!
This suspense is too great!!! Do we have another CCSI case here?????
This suspense is too great!!! Do we have another CCSI case here?????
This suspense is too great!!! Do we have another CCSI case here?????
Ok. Sorry I didn't post today, a friend, who has been sick since yesterday, ending up going to the hospital with a heart attack. So Missy, Casper and the S.A. had to take second place.
Here is what KC and I have determined:
(1) The cat in the photo is Casper. That is my guess. What do you think?
(2) S.A. posted after the reveal photo, so the photo is not S.A.
(3) We don't know anymore than we did before the photo.
(4) We know nothing about S.A.'s identity.
AHHHH....the suspense....WHO IS THIS S.A.??? Oh well, we do know one thing:
HE HAS VERY GOOD TASTE! Missy Blue Eyes is beautiful!
The mystery continues.....
AHHHH....the suspense....WHO IS THIS S.A.??? Oh well, we do know one thing:
HE HAS VERY GOOD TASTE! Missy Blue Eyes is beautiful!
The mystery continues.....
AHHHH....the suspense....WHO IS THIS S.A.??? Oh well, we do know one thing:
HE HAS VERY GOOD TASTE! Missy Blue Eyes is beautiful!
The mystery continues.....
KC said...
Hee hee, Auntie Deb, you and Karl both posted a bunch of times.
Can't wait furr CCSI 3 to come out tomorrow, so looking furrward to it. Can't wait to see the Taylor CatSSSSS Sassy in it.
Especially after seeing THOSE behind-the-scenes photos!!! nuff said.
I want to apologize to you Missy Blue Eyes. I had no intention of hurting you in any way. I have been thinking about this a lot for the last twenty four hours, and I want to say I am sorry that I interfered with your dance with Casper at the party. I also hope Casper will forgive me. My Beautiful Missy Blue Eyes, I am going to lay low for awhile. Thanks to your Mom for taking great pictures of you I will still be able to see you. Sometimes I get carried away with looking at your beauty.
Love from,
Your secret admirer.
Oh goodness, S.A. you can't lie low! We would all be so sad! COME BACK!!! MBE will miss you!
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