Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sol's Game - Easy Sunday Morning

Sol's Easy Like Sunday Morning Game
It started with a Squiggle... a beautiful, colorful Squiggle caught Sol's eye!
Smokey, in the cupboard, pushed a clay pot out on the floor, obviously a rule of the game.
Yes, that is dirt on the floor, from the pot, as well as a few pieces of laundry (the laundry room is behind the door).
For a while, Smokey and Sol took turns dragging their little sister Faith-Boo around while she clung to the Squiggle.
They stopped when they realized they couldn't drag her under the door and into the laundry room. They tried a few times, though.
Here they are obviously taking a break of some sort, probably tired from dragging Faith-Boo.
The game ended when they got the Squiggle into the clay pot which was then pushed to an upright position.

Don't forget our Auctions for Mom Laura & Kitties are ending tonight at Midnight Eastern Time. Deb and I have a lot of neat items, all brand new, at great prices. 100% of the $$$ go right into Mom Laura's Paypal so she can buy food and medicines and litter for Mu shue, Lilly Lu and baby Iris. It's a real win-win situation: we get to clean our houses, you get brand new things at a huge discount, and Mom Laura gets much-needed assistance with daily living expenses.
Thanks so much for looking.
We will have all-new items on Monday.
We've even got a few others donating brand new things to keep it interesting.


DK & The Fluffies said...

3 cats and a squiggle... good times... good times...

Kimo and Sabi said...

Squiggle wars!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

How gorgeous - having so many kitties in the house must be fun!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat looks like a really fun game! Speedy and Sadie are thinking about dragging each other around wif da squiggles now...usually Sadie just chases da tail of da squiggle as Speedy runs thru the house.

Harmony Kitties said...

♥Love paws and head nudgies♥
Harmony Kitties: "We love your squiggle. Now that is how to spend a Sunday morning!"

Alexi said...

A tug of squiggle war for Sunday morning!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That looks like lots of fun!

Parker said...

Nothing better than a good game of drag your sister with a squiggle!

Daisy said...

It's a game of Squiggle-socer!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That looks like a lot of fun for everyone!

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

Thank goodness that pot didn't break! That would have been very scary!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Sol, Smokey and Faith-Boo, you all had way too much fun ... you are just adorable! Bet you are tired now ... hee hee! We were chasing each other after napping this morning, except for Sabrina, she has been watching birdies. Thanks for letting us know you will post about Sadie on the Pet Purrs and Purrayer list KC, we appreciate it! Happy Sunday!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sam and Simon

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a fun game!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

It was anything but a quiet Sunday morning, but it was interesting to watch. Squiggle Wars!
And Sabrina, Sam and Simon, KC did post the noos about Sadie. Very sorry to hear that, woofies are neat too. We miss ours.