Today is Missy's Gotcha Day!
Four years ago today, I made a decision.
It changed my life forever.
I did something I said I would never do.
I got a cat.
A neighbor had to find Missy a home.
I told the neighbor I did not like cats.
The neighbor came over, with Missy hidden from view.
While we talked, she revealed Missy, cradled in her arms.
One look in those big blue eyes, at that sweet face, was too much.
So today we celebrate the 4th anniversary of
Missy Blue Eyes coming to live with us.

Today is Missy's Birthday!
When Missy came to live with us, she was about a year old.
Today we also celebrate her 5th birthday.

It changed my life forever.
I did something I said I would never do.
I got a cat.
A neighbor had to find Missy a home.
I told the neighbor I did not like cats.
The neighbor came over, with Missy hidden from view.
While we talked, she revealed Missy, cradled in her arms.
One look in those big blue eyes, at that sweet face, was too much.
So today we celebrate the 4th anniversary of
Missy Blue Eyes coming to live with us.

Today is Missy's Birthday!
When Missy came to live with us, she was about a year old.

Hoppy Birthday & Happy Gotcha Day! ~Luf all of us
Happy Gotcha Day and Happy 5th Birthday Missy!! ((((((((((((((hugs and love from us)))))))))))))))!!
Your FL furiends,
PS: That GD/BD was from Samantha & Mr. Tigger!!
And thanks to Zoolatry for the beautiful graphics. Aren't they wonderful?
Happy Purrthdy and Gotcha day Missy...see what yoo started!
And today is PB&J Cats woofie's 3rd birthday... go by and celebrate, they's haffing a party. We'll be there fur sure.
happy Birthday
Pixel and Samba
Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Birthday!
You got 2 presents, right? It's 2 days in one, you're supposed to get twice the stuff...!
Happy Gotcha Day AND Purrthday - double da fun!
Wows, this calls for a double celebration! Happy 5th Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day, Missy! :D *smooch*
Happy, happy Gotcha Day and Birthday to the kitty with the most beautiful blue eyes!!!
Happy Purrfday and Gotcha Day Missy Blue Eyes.
Hooray to your neighbour furr getting you such a great furrever home.
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day, Missy! :) We hope you have a wonderful day! :)
Happy Gotcha Day! In your case perhaps it was the day you said to ML "Gotcha! when she saw your blue eyes!
To Missy and Mom and all the rest:
we think you should celebrate today as LUCKY DAY... lucky you all found one another. Enjoy!
Yoo half too BIG fings to celleybrate! WOO WOO. Happy Gotcha Day and Happy PURRday...dat is wunderfull. Here's to many many MANY moore....
and Gracie
ML, we are sure that you took one look into those beautiful blue eys and fell in love!
Missy - Gotcha' Days are the very best days!
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha' Day!
Happy Gotcha day and Happy Purrfday Missy!!!!!!
Happy Fifth Birthday and Happy Fourth Gotcha Day, Missy!!
Mindy & Moe
Happy Purffday Missy! Happy Gotcha Day Too!
Puuurrrraaaaa an lurves frum Chance and Shadow
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day too!!
Happy Gotcha Day & Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Purrthday and Happy Gotcha Day! You have lots to celebrate today! Enjoy!!!
Happy Purrthday, Missy Blue Eyes! And Happy, Happy Gotcha Day!
Oh ML, isn't it strange how the universe throws us curve balls? I never would have guessed you weren't a life-long cat person!
Cheers to Missy Blue Eyes on her Gotcha Day and Birthday Combo Cellybration!!!!
Not The Mama
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day, Missy! I hope you have a great day. Maybe your little sister Faith has made you a special artistic present today.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Happy Purrthday and Gotcha Day Missy!!! We're FURRY happy yoo got gotchaed by Mommy ML cuz she's the bestest. Which is furry good to go with the bestest kitties!
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Birthday, Missy! What a beautiful baby you are, and how lucky for your mommie and all that you are the senior cat in the household, huh?
Love and purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs...
Marilynn, Grace & Company
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! Wow, I was surprised to read that you're mom didn't like cats before she met you. Now she has bunches and bunches. You must have melt her heart darling. Keep up the good work!
That's great! On behalf of the Good Cats (who all have Gotcha Days too) Happy 4th to you, Miss Missy, and we wish you many many more in your terrific Forever Home.
Happiest of Happy Birthday and Gotcha Days dear Missy! And to Mommy ML for being so very smart to get a cat :-)
Purrs and Hugs!
Pearl, Bert and Jake
Happy 4th Gotcha Day and 5th Birthday, Missy!
You sure must be special to turn your mom from anti-cat into a cat person. Good thing she was paying attention that day or she would have lost out on a looooooot of fun and loving.
Hugs, from all of us at JFF
Happy Birthday Missy!!!
I hope yoo git lotsa treets and catnip and cuddles! Yoo deeserve it! (My Gotcha Day is comin up Toosday!)
Wow, a combined purrthday & gotcha day! That does deserve your own cake!!
We wish you the happiest of days, and congratz for turning your Mom into a "cat person".
Happy Purthday and Gotcha Day Missy!
~Luv Queen Snickers, Empress & Renna
*From Momma to Momma* Isn't it amazing the power kitty eyes have over your heart?
Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Purrthday! You did an excellent job of turning your mom into a Cat Purrson - way ta go!
hey Faith, I'm feeling better now and eating again and not throwing up. guess what seemed to help me? give you a hint...the worst thing you could imagine...yup, you guessed it...the Lady stopped giving me Temptations. ::shudder:: a life without Temptations? it's hard to imagine! anyway, I was feeling better today so I started attacking things again. I started with the spray bottle that squirts me when I'm doing something the people seem to think I shouldn't. I put the Big Bitey on its squirty part then wrestled it to the floor and chewed it. I'm gonna disable that thing fur sure!
You are a sweetie pie Missy Blue Eyes!!! I just know you are going to be spoiled :)
Yabba Dabba Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ML: from not liking cats to having 6 of them !!!!! You just didn't know you liked them ,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia,Tillie & the Mom
Happy birthday and gotcha day! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with treats and toys and hugs and kisses!
Happy Happy Birthday Missy! Happy Gotcha Day as well. We are so very glad to have you as a friend.
We hope you have lotsa treats, toys, snuggles and love today.
Enjoy your big day!!!
Happy Birthday/Gotcha Day, Missy !!
My Grampy didn't want me at first, either. Then he fell in love with me.Now I ave a furever home, just like you do. ((HUGS))
Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, sweet Missy! What a wonderful gotcha story . . . you made your mommy a believer!
Happpy Gotcha Day and Purrthday Missy Blue Eyes.
Plus for someone who said she didn't like cats...ML you have a houseful now!
Can you believe your Mom thought she didn't like cats! and now she has five of you!
Oh, my typist got home just in time to help me post for your purrthday Missy! Happy happy purrthday! Hope you get lots of treats.
Happy Happy Day!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, Missy! :)
Wow, 2 special things in one day!! Happy b-day and Gotcha day MBE!! Hope you've had and continue to have a purrfectly pawesome day!
Lots of hugs,
Kat, Emma, Benji, Marley & Sammie
Dat's a happy story! I can't imagine ML wifout kitties! I sing fur you!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Missy,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... an many moooooooore!
Yup, lookin deep into yur chosen Mom's eyes werks pretty good. Purrs!
Sounds to us like you just hadn't met The Right Cat. Yet.
Happy Purrthday and Gotcha day for ol' Blue Eyes. May you have many many more.
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day!!!
Happy Birthday Missy! Happy Gotcha Day Too! I can't believe Mommy had never had a kitty before you and now she draws them to her like catnip! :)
Hugs and Smoochies from Billie, Cody, Cricket and their momma, Lorianna
Happy Purrthday and Happy Gotcha Day, Missy!! We hopes you had a great day!!
Oh Missy I'm so proud to share your Birthday/Gotcha day! I hope you had a great day and got lots of love and treats and skritches!
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day, Missy! I hope you had a wonderful day full of yummy food, treats and toys.
It is 11:57 PM Thursday here in Arizona - so we are NOT too late!!!
Happy Birthday and Happy Gotcha Day Missy!!! Those blue eyes are so beautiful! We hope you had a great day and see you at the wedding!
Karl, Emil and Mrs. OZ
Happy Birthday Missy - who knew that you would be the start of something this big. To have your mom going from not liking cats to having 6 in 4 short years is quite an accomplishment. Good for you!
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
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