I am still reeling from yesterday's posts.
Admittedly, I did not see Faith's "creations" as art.
Apparently a lot of you... well, all of you did.
Guess there is a lot of "creativity" is packed into that kitten.
For instance, yesterday, KC posted on the Cat Blogosphere Toosday Noos:
Hmmm, wonder if those mangled pieces of lizard she [Faith Boo] left behind in tha paper shreddings counted as "art" too????
To which the Taylor CatSSSSS quickly replied:
The unfortunate lizard was an ART CRITIC!!! So beware!!!!
Then this photo mysteriously appeared on my Desktop:

Or the day we looked behind the dryer...
where Faith Boo hides...
to discover the dryer vent totally CHEWED off?
Or the day she helped herself to Temptations and
then chewed open all the new bags of cat food?
Or the day I almost had "cat tail tea" due to her warming
her floofy tail in my pot of newly brewed tea?
And this morning, was her digging and shredding the shopping bags
mere greed or the beginning of another "masterpiece"?

That cardboard looks like food... not art!
We like it but fur some reason mom sed "oh crap" and hid a bunch of stuff from us.
I think Faith BOo is a twue owiginal...
The lizawd got what's coming to him..Mommi says Cwitics awe often tewwible and desewve to be eaten
smoochie kisses
hmm...what an artiztic creation of food you've got there:)
We lost our tiny troop today, Monskitt, she went to bridge of rainbow last nite....and mommy Bunyu still not coming home, we're hoping she'll be back soon.
-meaouwy troops-
We can definately see the art of the destroyed scratcher. It looks like Faith is having a wonderful time while she is in her "creative" mode.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You go gurl!
To the uninitiated, artistic genius is often misunderstood.
We got mum to help us spell that.
She's truely a master at her craft!
Auntie ML...:shaking heads:....Our sweet Auntie ML...:more shaking of the heads:....we will explain what is clear to us:
#1. All art critics work under a "nom de plume", which is of course: a pseudonym adopted by an author or their publishers to conceal their identity. So that Lizard Art Critic was clearly crazy to show up on an artist's doorstep. If he was coming to review FBS'(Faith Boomerang Sherwood) art, he should have worn a disguise. His fault entirely. FBS was not at fault.
#2. Obviously FBS was looking for new materials to work with, if indeed she was behind the “dryer vent incident”. We understand that this “incident” is still under investigation as to whether or not FBS was involved. Until that is resolved, we can legally say no more about it.
#3. Have you never heard the term “hungry artist”?
#4. Obviously FBS was warming her tail in anticipation of using it as yet another means of creating her amazing art pieces. The artist’s mind is ever creative.
#5. The shredding of the shopping bags, obviously she is moving to a new medium or has a plan of mixing mediums.
#6. The unrolled cardboard scratcher, the young prodigy is working on yet another masterpiece. We PRAY that you left her to finish. Who knows what the end product will be?
We think this book might be helpful to you (no disrespect intended):
Art for Dummies, by Thomas Hoving: Explains to the average person how to understand, appreciate, and evaluate art.
We love you Auntie ML!
mommy just went ::SIGH:: and ran upstairs to make shur that the toilet paper was put in the big plastic toilet roll thing that holds 3 rolls. It's the only place Billy cannot get to. She loves coming home to find the toilet paper unrolled and going from the upstaiirs human litterbox room to the kitchen downstairs. or seeing Billy running downstairs with the end of the roll in his mouth. or if the roll is small enough, running downstairs with the whole roll in his mouth and then laying down and shredding it when he bunny kicks it to death.
Billy is in awe of Faith-Boo.
oh, and our mommy really feels bad for your mommy. Maybe Faith-Boo will grow out of it.
Certainly was an auspicious day when FaithBoo returned to live with the Sherwood Bunch: she is bringing comic relief, joy and fun, interesting times, antics and energy to the CB (not to mention to her own household!). What a charmer!
keep it up Faith! Don't let them stifle your creativity!
(although our mama doesnt' like it when we get "creative" either)
Mommy insisted that we come back and tell Auntie ML that Mommy owns most of the DUMMY books. Mommy didn't want Auntie ML to think that we were being disrespectful.
We love you Auntie ML!!!
Faith is just 'into' that distressed look for his art work. She is a sweetie pie...
I meant to say "HER" art work...
My Momma does feel for your Momma but we kitties don't understand,we think Faith as one of our heroes...
Abby and Boo
Oh Faith Boo - clearly Mommies just don't understand us Torties! I frequently prepare Tortie Tail Tea, or sometimes Tortie Toe Tea (it depends on the day) but she never seems to appreciate the effort!
Keep at it little Tortie Twin!
Miss Faith Boomerang strikes again!
Faith Boo is a true artiste!
~Holly and Ivy
She's just another tortie terror - I'm glad mommy didn't adopt her! I'd never have a moment's peace!
She's soooo cute! But I can see she is following in the terrible twins' footsteps. Their kittenhood was a nightmare of destruction and stinky poo . . . but I couldn't help but adore my "special" girls.
~Tybalt and Tortie Twins' Mommy
We love her art!!!! We call it "post modern destructivism" and she will be in the Museum of Modern Art any day now!!!
Looking forward to seeing you all on board the Voyager for the wedding soon!
She is an excellent artist.
Mommy had a thought....actually it is one of "her" jokes....well, Mommy, IT IS! Sorry....anyway here it is:
Mommy thinks the Lizard Art Critic should have come as a chameleon.
Yes, Mommy....we get it....heavy sighs....very funnny!
Grace has done that unrolling thing with the circular scratcher before -- forced me to go get a new one. These guys have chewed through new bags of food, too, so I have to always remember to put them away -- up high -- in a cupboard!
Ahhhhh, the creative ones ... very high maintenance, indeed!!
such creativity is a sign of higher intelligence. I'm totally in awe of the cardboard scratcher thing - never seen one come apart like that. I'm sorry to say that I didn't destroy anything yesterday, but I did barf on the carpet 3 times and on the bed once...well, those are the ones the Lady found anyway. when I'm feeling better, I'm gonna make up for it. in the meantime, Riley knocked over a drink and continued shredding the kitchen cabinet.
purrs and hugs,
Oh me never though of callin it art! Mommy an artist she has to beleive it. :) ~Empress
We likes cardboard too. Our round cat scratcher rarely gets any cardboard inserts - we make 'art' out of it as well. Mom has fun picking up da big mess.
Mindy & Moe
I believe that Faith must be allowed total freedom to express herself artistically!
Definitely an artist!
We can only shudder at the thoughts of what Miss Faith Boo could get up to if she actually got BORED!!
We stand in awe and amazement at her accomplishments at such a young age
~~Meepsie and Smokey
Hmm, it sounds as though you have a prodigy on your hands. Her art sounds like "installation art" or, on a more agressive note, if she's trying to tell you something, maybe even guerilla art!
I loved how she gulped up the lizard art critic! I can just see it now...
Lizard Art Critic: Hmph. Your use of color is outdated, and I can CLEARLY see where you ripped off DuChamp in your ridiculous attempt to... *CRUNCH!*
Faith Boo: NOM NOM NOM
I also love the Taylor Catsssss's dissertation on Faith Boo's art.
Wow!! Faith Boo Sherwood is an artiste! She must be a prodigy!! Just think of all the fun you will have!
Your FL furiends,
LOL! I also laugh at Zippy, Sadie & Speedy's mom! Umm, I think I'll keep my comments to myself seeing as that I'm one of few humans here, hehee.
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