I had a wonnerful birfday yesserday.
Fanks, Cat Blogosphere, fur tha grreat party wif good foods & furriends.
Last night I had some chicken baby food...
... and I relaxed with Daddy Charley...
that is, when Mommie wasn't trying to take my pickshure.
Dats sum bootiful fotohs!!
Weze so glads you gotted a wonnerful purrthday!!
Tanks fur all you do, KC!
We luves you!
Katie Too
Love, Spats & Sassy
KC, the pictures of your are purrfect! Especially the one with you and your daddy!!!
We are glad you had a nice birthday, KC! :)
we wasn't around yessterday on da innernnets so we is sending yoo a belated happy purrday. It sure sounds like yoo had a grate one and dat makes us so happy!
Fabulous pixchurs...
I am glad you had such a good birthday! And it is wonderful that you are only formerly feral.
Oh no! I missed your birthday! Happy belated birthday, KC!!!!
It sure is greats to be formally feral! I second thats one alot...
Fank you's for the well wishes for Mommy Bean and the alien blurpy. Every ones comments kept Mommy Beans smiling alots!
By the ways,, KC and the alien blurpy has the same purrthday, June 19! Happy belateds purrthday KC!
MMmmmm that baby food chicken looks YUMMMMMY! Glad you had a great Purthday!
SQUEE - TONGUE PICTURES! We love tongue pictures! You're just the purrtiest girl, KC!
You look so sweet, KC. I'm glad you had a happy 1!
Chicken baby food? You were pampered for your special day. We hope you enjoyed it. You only turn 2 once. Unlike humans who often turn 39 for many years.
purrs and tail wags
Golly sake KC has it been two years since your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday KC. Time sure does fly. Looks like you are enjoying some ice cream there? Mom lets me have some ice cream when it's not chocolate. Great pictures.
Hi Pretty Missy.
Happy Birthday to the Taylor twin kitties! Hope you had a great day.
I'm so glad you had such a puwwfect Birfday...I love youw pictoowes, and you awe sooo bootiful..thank you fow letting me come to youw pawty
smoochie kisses
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