Way ta go, Abby.... you get extra points from Missy (that's her specialty) and from Smokey & Faith Boomerang. Hee hee. Now get over to CB and let's party... KC
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KC!!! I can't believe that you are TWO YEARS OLD! I remember the day that we met you at the airport. Your Mommy & I were so excited!! We grabbed the PTU when we saw it and then....WE SAW YOU! Oh, we all fell in love right away! You fell in love with your Daddy while riding on his shoulder in the car! We knew you were going to be a Daddy's girl!
I hope that you have a fabulous birthday!!!
Much love from, Auntie Deb and all the Taylor CatSSSSS
Happy Purrthday KC!!! Gosh, it's hardta beleeve yoo's only 2! It seems like yoo's been our furriend furever. But yoo don't seem li ke a way old ancient furever old cat neifur. Confuzin. Anyways, haf a grate purrthday!!! Purrrrrrrs, Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
Sol! Get outta the blue toona gizzy punch at the party! Yoo's not old enuf fur that. Haf sum nip n cream punch!
an KC - GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED? (well, "just" means a couple days ago) k - you give up? THE SHELTER WHERE YOU WERE FOUND IS NO MORE! they built a BIGGER, BETTER shelter and they said no healthy woofie, kitty, or bun will be...you know...just because there's no room. an plus they've FINALLY got a room where the kitties can run around an meet people an they don't hafta be in the tiny room wif the tiny cages anymore. YAY!
Audace and Ruse wish you a happy 2nd birthday, KC. It's easy to keep track of your birthday and your gotcha day because they're only a couple of months older!
Happy Happy Purrthday to you KC!!! You wewe ana dowable kitty and now you'we a gowgeous gwown up cat..I hope you have a fabulous celebwation!!1 love and smoochie kisses ASTA
Happy Belated Birthday KC! We left a BD wish at the Cat Blogosphere, but for got to come here, too! Your pictures are so cute and we wish you many, many moooooore Birthdays! Your FL furiends,
Happy Birthday to you! I would say more but I am in trouble right now for chewing on a cord.
Abby Normal
Way ta go, Abby.... you get extra points from Missy (that's her specialty) and from Smokey & Faith Boomerang. Hee hee. Now get over to CB and let's party... KC
Happy Birthday to you KC.
Joanne, Jane, Jill, Johnny, Jay boy, Capu from Singapore
Happy Birthday, KC! I can hardly believe that it has been two years already. I remember so clearly when you were first rescued.
WOO HOO! Happy Birthday KC, a whole two years of torie goodness!
Have a great day with lots of love and treats!
Happy Birthday KC! Have a great day and enjoy your party:) xxx
Happy Birthday KC.
Happy purrfday KC, have a great day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KC!!! I can't believe that you are TWO YEARS OLD! I remember the day that we met you at the airport. Your Mommy & I were so excited!! We grabbed the PTU when we saw it and then....WE SAW YOU! Oh, we all fell in love right away! You fell in love with your Daddy while riding on his shoulder in the car! We knew you were going to be a Daddy's girl!
I hope that you have a fabulous birthday!!!
Much love from,
Auntie Deb and all the Taylor CatSSSSS
Happy purrthday to you, KC!!! Here's to many more!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Woohoo! Happy, happy, happy birthday to you, KC! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with treats and toys and kisses.
Happy Purrthday KC! Thank you for everything you do for all of us! We luvs you!
Happy Birthday KC! :) We hope you have a great day! :) As we say in German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! :)
Happy Purfday KC! Hopes yoo haz a fun day. I will see yoo at da cat bloggysphere laters fur da partay! Whooooooooooooooooooo!
Happy Birthday, KC! Awesome party over at the CB. Enjoy your presents and eat extra cake!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Happy Happy Happy Purrfday KC!!! YAY!!!!
Happy purrthday KC!!! I was 2 in May so we're the same age. Being 2 is great.
Your friend
Happy Purrthday KC!!! Gosh, it's hardta beleeve yoo's only 2! It seems like yoo's been our furriend furever. But yoo don't seem li ke a way old ancient furever old cat neifur. Confuzin. Anyways, haf a grate purrthday!!!
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
Sol! Get outta the blue toona gizzy punch at the party! Yoo's not old enuf fur that. Haf sum nip n cream punch!
Happy Birthday, KC!!! We know you're going to have the best day today!
Happy Birthday KC!!! YEAH!!!
Happy Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrthday KC!!
I hope that your beans give you many gifts, muahahaha!
an KC - GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED? (well, "just" means a couple days ago)
k - you give up? THE SHELTER WHERE YOU WERE FOUND IS NO MORE! they built a BIGGER, BETTER shelter and they said no healthy woofie, kitty, or bun will be...you know...just because there's no room. an plus they've FINALLY got a room where the kitties can run around an meet people an they don't hafta be in the tiny room wif the tiny cages anymore. YAY!
Happy Birthday KC!! Turning 2 is a very special occasion.
Happy Birthday KC!!! What a wonderful lovely lady cat you are. Fantastic Tortitude too. You've taught little Faith well.
I'm headed over to your party with Bendrix now!
Happy Birthday beautiful KC! Wishing you a purrfectly splendid birthday!
Kipling, Tsarina,Elf, Winslow, Kyoto, Vortex, Sumo, Pip, Sylvester and Eddie
Happy Purrrthhday KC!
you're sweet as ever:) if you want to enjoy more on your birthday after the party, please join our trees adventure, you gonna love it...
Happy Birthday KC! May all your dreams come through! :)
Audace and Ruse wish you a happy 2nd birthday, KC. It's easy to keep track of your birthday and your gotcha day because they're only a couple of months older!
Have a super-duper-happy-birthday!!
Grace & Company
Happy Happy Purrfday to You!!!
Luf, Us
Happy happy happy birthday, KC!!!
Happy Purrrrthday KC!!!! We hope you have a purrrfect day!
Batman, Reggie, Riley and Abby
Happy Happy Purrthday to you KC!!!
You wewe ana dowable kitty and now you'we a gowgeous gwown up cat..I hope you have a fabulous celebwation!!1
love and smoochie kisses
Happy Birthday KC!
You're one of my favoritest kitties around, I remember when you got your forever home - what a story!
KC, Sweetheart, HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY, girl!!
We wish you a wonderful day and great party!!
Headbumpies from all of us at Kattenpraat.:)
Hoppy Birthday!
Wooooo hoooo! Happy Purrthday KC!
Happy Birthday dear KC!
Little Isis
and Not The Mama, too!
...Happy Birthday....you are TOUGH ASS 2 today!.....
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear KC
Happy Birthday to you!
I hope you're having a fabulous day -- two years old! What a delightful age *smile*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
hey! Two already? What a gorgeous and tough Tortie 2 you are! Many many many more!!
(((hugs)) and *smiles*
Happy birthday, KC. Two is a good age!
purrs and tail wags
Happy purrfday! I left a message on the blogosphere also.
Happy Purrthday lovely ladycat KC.
Hey, happy belated birthday, KC! Glad it was a good one -- hope you have many more! (Love that baby chicken baby food!)
KC, Happy Birthday to you yesterday!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday KC! We left a BD wish at the Cat Blogosphere, but for got to come here, too! Your pictures are so cute and we wish you many, many moooooore Birthdays!
Your FL furiends,
Happy Purrday!
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