BJ and Sol are napping, resting up from the
House Trashing Party at The Purrageous Pirates.
What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
And BJ is reminding us that they also attended
Castor and Pollux's first Purrthday Party.
Castor and Pollux, the Meezer Brothers, are officially ManCats.
If you haven't, stop by and congratulate them!
Smokey is napping in the skybox -- all that trashing and party-ing takes a toll.
Doesn't Smokey have beautiful eyes? (click to biggify)
They have yellow eyes with a rim of emerald green, just like their mother.
Don't forget the Triple ManCats 1st Purrthday Party on 7/31
celebrating Sol, Smokey & BJ becoming ManCats!
It is the lovely Samantha's Purrthday and she will be joining us.
Wow, it should really be fun.
The Hotties celebrate thems Birthdays as August 1st, so maybe we can celebrate here on Thursday and then just sort of drift over there around midnight. A 48-hour party. Whoa.
If'n you's up to it, Tiger Lily is haffing thems furrst ever
Trash the House Party TODAY! Right Now!
Teleport over and join the fun!
Of course, all tha Sherwood Bunch will be there... it's what we do.
House Trashing Party at The Purrageous Pirates.
What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Castor and Pollux's first Purrthday Party.
Castor and Pollux, the Meezer Brothers, are officially ManCats.
If you haven't, stop by and congratulate them!

They have yellow eyes with a rim of emerald green, just like their mother.
Don't forget the Triple ManCats 1st Purrthday Party on 7/31
celebrating Sol, Smokey & BJ becoming ManCats!
It is the lovely Samantha's Purrthday and she will be joining us.
Wow, it should really be fun.
The Hotties celebrate thems Birthdays as August 1st, so maybe we can celebrate here on Thursday and then just sort of drift over there around midnight. A 48-hour party. Whoa.
If'n you's up to it, Tiger Lily is haffing thems furrst ever
Trash the House Party TODAY! Right Now!
Teleport over and join the fun!
Of course, all tha Sherwood Bunch will be there... it's what we do.
All the boys are quite something. I'm sure the single cats are going wild over those pictures.
Very lovely kitties, and Smokey's eyes *are unusual!
Oh boy! I should get rested up if there are more parties coming up!
I will try to nap, I can't bcuz i'm nocturne so I sleep on day and I like to eat my....ZzZzZzZzZ
Cutie kitties and the photos show them off so nicely.
Cannot stay too long, we are in a little bit of hot water.
Sassy, Momo, Opus & Roscoe
My OTW just went SQUEEEEEE!!! You young man-cats are such cuddlebugs! (Hey, it's better than being cuttle-fish!)
Purrrrs, KC! I miss you! I'm sorry I've been so busy snoopervising my OTW that I haven't even visited in a while. I'm especially sad that I wasn't here when your mommy has been going through so much trouble. I hope she's feeling better!
Those kittens you helped raise are looking so big and healthy and smart! And I almost missed your birthday, and I did miss your gotchaday and the wedding and I feel really bad.
I wish I could say it's all back to normal now, my OTW's all done with playing with strings, but now she's sewing a HUGE pile of Viking clothes and talking about getting Flame and Orion's mom from down the hall to check on us next weekend, and that's always a bad sign, 'cause she usually doesn't bother when she's only going a few days. But she promises to make more time for me to visit when she comes back.
I miss you! Will you come and help me trash the place when the OTW goes away? You can bring the family! We got LOTS to trash!
Hi KC! Hi Faith-Boo, and Sol and Smokey and BJ and Missy!
Mom loves Smokey's eyes 'extra good'! She says Smokey looks quite a lot like Gandalf.
We love your eyes Smokey. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Happy Mancat Monday ~ Socks
All the boys are looking very handsome!!! Smokey's eyes are certainly beautiful!
::Hi Sweet Missy::
From Sam I am
Hi KC,
I saw your bee-u-t-full picture on TATA! My hoomin mother read your rescue-friend Jody's blog and got all sad and leaky :( That made me sad. So I was wondering if there was a way that I could donate my catnip to Jody's mother wants to by giving them green paper that she buys my kitten food with--(as if kittens would want that!). Do you know if we can do this?
A very handsome bunch o' guys!!
~ KittyBoy and ~Timothy
Whew that was a lot of fun yesterday wasn't it?
You guys are some serious mancats already, nevermind the official date of the 31st. Can I come celebrate with you? The Hotties all celebrate their purrthdays on August 1, but if I celebrate it with you instead, I can celebrate with the dudes!
your bud Pepi
We missed a bunch of the parties, darn, but it sure looks like you all had fun!
O, Jack, hi...
lets me know tha dates when yours beans will be gone an we'll get it all over tha Cat Blogosphere... hee hee. That'll teech 'em.
Newsflash: If'n you's up to it, Tiger Lily is haffing thems furrst ever Trash the House Party TODAY! Right Now! Teleport over and join the fun!
Of course, all tha Sherwood Bunch will be there... it's what we do.
Love & Purrs,
oh boy, almost mancats!!!! we can't wait for the party!
What a weekend!
We's headed right over to Tiger Lily house trashing party. House trashing parties are so much fun!
Smokey's eyes are gorgeous! The green rim is very striking. I was at the house trashing par-tays, too, and I'm pooped!
KC said...
Help. At Tiger Lilly's, i's let a cage full of voles loose fur us to chase. Now we can't find 'em.
Jake put out some catnip fur us to play wif, and tha voles gotted it all.
Purrs, KC
Holy cow, da babies aren't such babies anymore! We can't wait fur dem to be mancats so we can serve dem a niptini and watch da fun.
Dudes! We'll be here for your official man-cat party! We're so glad you could join us for ours. There's lots of us handsome young man cats on the prowl now, eh?
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