Today be Auntie Deb's Purrthday.
Be sure an stop by an leaf hers some good wishes.
If you's particypating by displaying tha "Deb Day" grafik on yours bloggie, be sure to let hers know.

Here's what I gotted fur Auntie Deb... hers loves tha beach an tha sea. Isn't this purrty? I hopes she likes it. ~KC
We loves you, Auntie Deb.
Happy Birthday, Auntie Deb! I am sure that she will love such a thoughtful gift. Yay!
Ohhhhh my mommy is going to love those gifts you got for Auntie Deb! I am still so mad the post office stole the lighthouse I sent to her last autumn!!!
we's shur she will love it!!
FAITH BOO!!!! COME DANCEDANCEDANCE TAPTAPTAP ZOOMZOOMZOOM snugglesnugglesnuggle wif me!! ::blushblushblush:: - Billy
Thank you so much for the presents and for the special blog! All of the Sherwood's are so special to me! I love you all so much!!!!!
More wishes, nose taps and cuddles and hugs coming your way Deb...
M and Z and A
We can tell that Auntie Deb well loved.
I am adding my hugs and purrs to all your other friends. Happy Birthday..
Mum will add your banner.
Hugs GJ xxx
What a nice present for Auntie Deb. I'm sure she will love it!
Happy Birthday Auntie Deb.What a cool gift,she's sure to love it.
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