UPDATE: Charlie Taylor comes home tomorrow morning!!!!
I have a 10 a.m. appointment to pick him up.

Dr. Smith explained to me on Saturday that since Charlie Taylor first was brought in, he has had several crises, one right after the other. The first was the one that brought him there, kidney failure. They got him through that and then he had congestive heart failure, followed by fluid in his lungs. Now, this most recent development is fluid around the lungs. Hopefully they can get him through it and to the point where he can come home with all his new brofurs and sisfurs.
Thanks to everyone for all the nonstop purrs and purrayers for little Charlie Taylor.
Charlie.....we are purrrrrin' real loud just for you.....FIGHT CHARLIE, FIGHT! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
We iz still purring hard for him too!
We are purring loudly for you Charlie
We love the title too.
Joanne, Jane, Jill, Johnny, Jay boy, Jasmine & Capu from Singapore
We ♥ Charlie Taylor and we're purring and purraying for him!
Sending LOVE to you, too!!!
Daphne, Chloe, Spooker, Jazper, Little Isis, Petey
and Mo, too!
Grrrrr. Poor Charlie. He has really been battling for his life. We are looking forward to when he can come home!
We iz purr-aying reely hard for Charlie. Now dat he haz a fambly dat ♥'s him he needz ta get better so he can go home an' be l♥ved.
Charlie has had a very rough life. We hope he gets to come hone soon!
Keep up the good fight, Charlie! Mine Unca Charlies in Heaven is prayin' for you while I is purrin'.
You belong wif youw bwuvvews and sissfuwws..I am pwaying that you an make it home
smoochie kisses
Poor Charlie is really having a rough time of it. I am praying very hard that he gets well and can come home to his loving family.
We are purring Charlie gets to come come soon. We likes the picture of him in the straw hat too. ~S,S,C & F
He'll make it, we're sure in our
hearts he'll make it... he knows there is a wonderful home and family waiting for him...
We are purring for you Charlie...my mom and I know that you will get better soon!
Purring for you Charlie. Get well SOON!!!
We're purring and purraying for little Charlie to get well,
Gypsy & Tasha
charlie, we're purrin' non-stop fur you! get on home, dude--they're waitin' to love on ya close-up!!
:soft headbonks:
ed, nitro, & xingxing
Poor Charlie, he's had to go through so much. We are purring hard for him to get well enough to go to his forever home with you. Keep fighting Charlie, everyone loves you.
So sure he will make it. Little Charlie so deserves the chance to come home to you to be loved. He sure is a little fighter.
Keep fighting little one.
Hugs GJ xx
Considering all Charlie has been through,we think he deserves a chance at a real family life!! We will purr very hard so he can come home and be part of the family :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
we is purring and purring and purring for Charlie!
We are so glad he is fighting! He looked amazingly happy in those oxygen bed pictures, considering the situation. We are sending tons of purrs and prayers and good thoughts to him hopeing he can get through this ok.
Wow, poor Charlie but what a fighter he is!!! More healing purrs and headbutts going out to him!
I have not stopped purring for little Charlie! After all he has been through, he deserves a chance at happiness with you all.
We'z purring hard fur yoo Charlie. We'd love to see yoo home wif da fambly where yoo belong.
Charlie, we are purrin and purrin and praying and sending warm healing thoughts your way. You are part of the Sherwood Family, but you're also part of our big blogging family and we all stick together!
We want you healthy and home with your family soon. purrrrs
So glad Charlie will be coming home. With all the love he will get from all of you just might put him over the top straight on the road to complete recovery. Purrs and Prayers for that.
Hi my sweet Missy.
Yay! Charlie is coming home!!!
Purrrs & grrrrs for Charlie!! We are so excited that you get to come home tomorrow and join the Sherwood Kitties!!
Your FL furiends,
tell us more, tell us how he's doing, tell us what the vet said, tell us if he'll be on meds, tell us EVERYTHING.
We can't wait for the post that says he is home! We have been purring nonstop for him. We are glad he is doing well enough that the vet expects to release him tomorrow.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Great news that Charlie's coming home! :) xxx
He's coming home?!? What great news. We can't wait for the follow-up.
Purrs, Cliff & Olivia
I am so very happy that Charlie is coming home! Yay, Charlie! Keep fighting to get well! I will keep praying for you to get well, too.
we are very happy charlie is coming home
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