*** WARNING ***
Mancatliness Overload
( fanks fur tha suggeshun )

He also has one white whisker over his eye.
He is the lightest black of the three boys, as someone said, their Momma Dinah was "running out of toner".

He is just a bit darker than Smokey, but not as dark as Sol.

He is the second largest cat, although he was the runt of the litter.
He is shiny dark black with a milk moustache.
These are my beautiful boy cats... I am so thankful for them.
They are piled on one of Peggy's wonderful Hairy Blankies,
which they shared with me!!!
My silly photographer/ Photoshop-head human said, "It's like looking at the grayscale in kitties!"
Oh my gosh I just wanna smooch all over them!!!!
~the OTW
Me-yech! I'm sorry, fellow man-cats. I am so embarrassed. I can't let the OTW go ANYwhere!
Mine Mommy says hers is wif the OTW, an says to tell hers they is furry kissable.
She also said to tell Jack she wants to smooch him all over, too!!!
Hee hee.
Love & Purrs,
Three very handsome mancats!
Very handsome man-cats!
That's an overdose of mancatliness. This post should have come with a "handsome overload" alert! :-)
We agree ~ they are all beautiful.
Fanks, effurryone, I's putted tha warning up, just in case.
Grrreat suggestshun.
Love & Purrs,
Oh yea, there is handsome everywhere!!!!
Imagine the sound of six ladycats tipping over in a swoon...that's the scene here at the Lounge!
MOL at "running out of toner"!
We missed yesterday's post. Miss Faith, you are a Terrible Bad Cat! And we say this with the highest regard.
Black IS beautiful!
So many handsome mancats, we all need to sit down with weak knees!!...Happy weekend sweet friends...kitty kisses (and extra KK to our gorgeous boy friend, Sol!)...Calle, Halle, Sukki
They are three very handsome mancats.
Mum loves the pastel colours of their hairy blankie. She says it reminds her of Mother of Pearl.
That is a lot of mancat handsomeness! Angel has all white whiskers except one above her eye and one on the left. I can not get good pictures of those black ones!
Isis thinks black is the only way to go. She's very concerned about the white whiskers she's recently acquired......
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ooh, this is eye candy for us 3 girls ;)
THUNK.....oh dear, Mommy must not have read the warning sign. Oh well, sigh, Auntie ML, you tried to warn her!
Wowsie, what great pictures!
Wow what a gorgeous group of boys!!
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