This is what my orderly, neat kitchen looked like when I walked in earlier.
* Gasp *
A bottom drawer had been pulled open.
All of the baggies and potholders were pulled out onto the floor.
The pantry door was also ajar,
and Temptation packages and stored kitty kibble were also on the floor.
And all the bags... empty, full, whatever... they all shared one thing in common!
A puzzling series of tiny toofy marks...
... some worse than others!
But the biggest surprise came as I began putting items back in the bottom drawer and two floppy paws reached out and grabbed my hands!
Did I scream?
I'll bet Auntie Deb heard me all the way in DC.
Miss Faith Boomerang had somehow gotten behind the drawer,
( see the arrow above )
into the cabinet assembly and could not get back out.
I had to empty the drawer and remove it to free her.
Look at this little face!
Does Miss Faith Boomerang look the least bit regretful to you?
(Use the cursor to hoover over her photo for her own purrsonal message on this subject...!)
Faith Boo is a proud, card-carrying member of The Naughty Kitty Club.
OH FAITH BOO!!! You is the mostest WONDERFULEST BEAUTIFULEST NAUGHTIEST FLOOFIEST kitty in the whole werld!!!! come dance wif me today!!! - ::BLUSHBLUSHBLUSH:: ~Billy
(posted by Faith Boomerang from today's comments)
* Gasp *

All of the baggies and potholders were pulled out onto the floor.
The pantry door was also ajar,
and Temptation packages and stored kitty kibble were also on the floor.

A puzzling series of tiny toofy marks...

Did I scream?
I'll bet Auntie Deb heard me all the way in DC.
Miss Faith Boomerang had somehow gotten behind the drawer,
( see the arrow above )
into the cabinet assembly and could not get back out.
I had to empty the drawer and remove it to free her.

Does Miss Faith Boomerang look the least bit regretful to you?
(Use the cursor to hoover over her photo for her own purrsonal message on this subject...!)

OH FAITH BOO!!! You is the mostest WONDERFULEST BEAUTIFULEST NAUGHTIEST FLOOFIEST kitty in the whole werld!!!! come dance wif me today!!! - ::BLUSHBLUSHBLUSH:: ~Billy
(posted by Faith Boomerang from today's comments)
Yes! This is a purrfect entry for the Naughty Kitty Club! I'm sure the look was to tell you she was fine and would come out when she was ready! MOL
Oh Faith!
Your tortie adventures make me smile!
Just got back from tha Monkey's bloggie, you hafta see that one, too, fur more tortie advenshures:
Love & Purrs,
Wow, you're a perfect little Tortie, Faith! Well done! Your cute little ginger chin reminds us of our Sweet Pea.
Thank you for the linky ;)
Something in Miss Faith Boo's eyes definitely reminds me of your Bella. Hee hee.
Two very determined little torties.
~Mom ML
pee ess: Here is a click-link to the Monkeys Tortie Tuesday post.
Miss Faith, you definitely earned your NKC badge today!
MOL! Faith you did an excellent job!
OH FAITH BOO!!! You is the mostest WONDERFULEST BEAUTIFULEST NAUGHTIEST FLOOFIEST kitty in the whole werld!!!! come dance wif me today!!! - ::BLUSHBLUSHBLUSH:: Billy
Oooh, tortie naughtiness! That's the best kind. If you need a safe place to hang out for a while come on over! Grandma misses her tortie and she feels we just don't add up. (hmmph)
This is quite naughty...but the worst part is getting caught! Faith you need to be a bit more careful next time :)
Oh what a funny but naughty kitty!
MOL!!!!!!!!!! We think Faith looks totally innocent!!!!!!!!
Faith, your fun adventure into the depths of the kitchen drawer made our Mommy LOL; we always claim innocence until proven guilty, but it looks like you were busted, sweet girl!!MOL...Oh, a day in the life of an adorable, beautiful kitty=who could be mad at that precious face?!!...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Should any less be expected from a tortie?
AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's awesome!!!
Good job, Faith!
Naughty kitty of the year!!
And Faith Boomerang, this is exactly the reason we are so proud to have you as a member of the NKC!!
Best entry of the year so far in our books! hehehe!
Oh wow - but we agree ... she did nothing wrong.
My dear, you are the PERFECT balance of beauty, naughty and tortie!!
Oh you kitties are not bad, you were just checking for um, bugs, or misplaced items, didn't daddy say he lost the checkbook?? yeah, you were looking for the checkbook
At least there was an evidence trail left for you to find her!! We don't think it was naughtiness, more like investigation, curiosity...... with snacks on the go.
Haha Faith, you really gave it the works. Great job!
We love the look on Bella's face.
Jan is laughing too hard to comment. Something about knowing how you feel. We have no idea to which incident she refers.
Aaaaccccckkkkkkkk! I'd be SOOOOOO miffed! (Of course, that is a word that can be printed, but I'm thinking of something else!)
Looking back, it's funny, but when you first discover a mess like this and while you're cleaning it up, it's not so funny, huh?
Well ... now it's funny ... now that you have it all in photos!!
Marilynn, Grace & Company
Wowee Faith Boomerang you sure pulled a real good whamy for your Mom. You are a perfect candidate for the naughty kitty club. I'm afraid your picture looks like you sure are not sorry you did it.
Oh my sweetest Missy Blue Eyes, lets just get up on the refrigerator and watch what goes on below and be glad that we are out of the way.
Loves ya,
Laugh My Tail Off!
Poor Kitty! ;-D
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