A beautiful, sumptious new kitty bed.
It has been available for over three days.
Where are the kitties are sleeping, since no one is using the luxurious new bed.....?

Where are the kitties are sleeping, since no one is using the luxurious new bed.....?

Finally, KC claims the comfy new bed. Shhhhhh!
(as usual, click on pictures to BIGGIFY!)
o, Catzee, i should'a knowed u'd luv 'em, too. mommie's given me three, four packages of 'em...i hides 'em, 'n stash 'em, n don't tells her wheres they r, so she buys me mores...yea!
they makes a lot of noise if u throws 'em in tha bathtub 'n bats 'em arounds, 'specially 'bout three a.m. hee-hee.
HAHAHA, thowse "made fur kittie" beds are nevur as cul as the random things the peeple have arownd the howse.
I'll have to break out the two kitty beds I use for tiny new foster kittens. Maybe now that it's cooling down, my guys will enjoy them. KC, you look so comfy in yours! Glad you finally claimed it!
ohh - I just gotta have one of those! I have a smaller one that's not near as poofy as that one. Time fur an upgrade. Excuse me - I've got to add it to the Lady's shopping list RIGHT NOW.
Those all look like furry nice places to sleep in. Oh moommmmmmm! It's time to go to the store!
Hmmmm. Was KC in the box that she thought Missy was hiding from her in??? Was KC there to surprise Missy the next time she went to hide??? Will we ever know why KC was really in that box? Hee hee.
She sure does look comfy and happy in her new bed. She is probably dreaming a sweet dream about Missy.
Wow! My Tuxie Tuesday picture is of me in my cat bed too. I like it lots because it's near the window and sometimes it gets warm. Boni has one just like it too.
Oh, that new bed looks very comfy. And you even have your toy in there. Good job.
That looks like a comfy bed! Meowm is getting me a new bed pretty soon!
that looks like a nice snuggley bed.
Oooh, that's a nice looking bed. I think I'm gonna see if I can get the Lady to get me one of those.
Bebe and me like kitty bedz too. We got one in the liffing room and 3 in the patio. Yu look furry cozy in yurs and yu gotz yur toys wiff yu too!
It's a cat rule: Never sleep anywhere intended fur a cat.
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