That's right, we're playing a new game that KC taught me, FETCH.
The game begins with her bringing me the camera-strap...

...I take it and she jumps to get it back from me...

...but I throw it in the kitchen...

...she brings it back...

...and takes it up in the kitty tree...

...and finally back to where we started in the living room.
KC has trained me well!

The game begins with her bringing me the camera-strap...

...I take it and she jumps to get it back from me...

...but I throw it in the kitchen...

...she brings it back...

...and takes it up in the kitty tree...

...and finally back to where we started in the living room.
KC has trained me well!
Wow! Seriously awesome. The Lady says that Gizzy used to do that.
Furry good job trainin your Mommy, KC!
Hee. I like to play fetch too. I don't have a kitty tree, though. I think I need one!
o, Merlin, u definitely needs a kitty tree. i's not big enuf to knock it over -- yet. but i's working on that. i can alreedy knock tha kitty condo over, no problems.
'n didn't i train my mommie good! i's proud of that. they sez when they gets older, u's can't teech 'em any new tricks. ha!
It appears that you are an exceptionally smart human! Well done KC.
Yeah, that camera strap is really designed to amuse cats while people use the flashy thing at them. Good job there!
Hahaha! We play 'xactly the same, 'cept Mom has never caught me climbin' the curtains. It's good bein' a kitten!
Your friend
Misty E
Good job training your bean!
Fetch! That's one of my favorite games! Grr and Cocoa don't get it, but I'll play it over and over. Furrst I trained the Quiet Girl, but I have the Lady and the Allergic Girl fairly well trained also. The Blonde Girl still needs work. She's a little violent when she throws stuff. It looks like your momma is one of the smart ones who catches on quickly!
Well done KC. You've trained your Mom well. We are very impressed.
And you're so kind to spend so much effort and time to keep your mom amused. So many humans these days just sit around bored, and it's just cruel to them, really.
Lately my OTW has been complaining to the Big One that she's bored, so I've taken to coming over every little while and meowing at her until she gets the guts with the fev-verbutt-without-the-mousie tied to it, and getting her to play with me to stimulate her.
o, Jack, see whats u kin do. i'll betcha we can learns 'em all sorts of stuff.
it's reely tha kind thing ta do.
What a good girl, ML! Heheee! KC, you train well! Emma taught me how to play this wonderful game too!
Good for you KC for training your Mom how to play. Sometimes we have to show these humans what to do.
OMG, what a doll you are, and you are getting so big, and you are so smart and clever!
CalicoMom Toni
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