tha man in tha brown shorts broughted a noo box today...
...furrst, i's gotta put tha bitey on tha corners (fanks Cocoa)..., i can roll 'n kick 'n play in this stuff...
...there be sum snakey lookin kind of fings...
...i hereby claim this as MINE box!

pee ess: click to BIGGIFY fur amazin detale
You're certainly a girl-cat after my own heart, KC! I LOVE boxes and that's a great one! And I love the last picture, my beautiful girlfriendcat!
Wow, that looks like lots of fun! Those are great photos KC. :) Enjoy your box!
Now that looks a LOT more fun than just cleanin' my pawsies.
Now that looks a LOT more fun than just cleanin' my pawsies.
Hehee, looks like you had great fun in that 'ole box, KC! I was thinkin' yesterday of making a box playhouse for Emma and gang. Now I just gotta get my hands on some big boxes. :)
Oh KC you are having so much fun in that box. Hope your Mom let you keep it for a while.
Oh, a box! what fun. We luvs boxes and bags. Haf fun wif dat box and don't let yoor momma take it away to soon like ours does.
I'm sorry...I'm distracted by all of the POPCORNS and the BOX and the playful KC! I'm coming right over!
Wow, that looks like lotsa FUN!
It's kinda like MacDonald's playland for cats!
KC, I went to that title place to see who I should put the bitey on for calling you villainous, but when I went, it told me your title was Empress KC the Paragon of Bumpstead under Carpet. So I don't know why it was being mean to you earlier. You most certainly aren't villainous!
I emailed you the code if you want it!
Can I come play wif you in yore box, KC? It looks like lotsa fun!
Great photos, we lub boxes also, just wish we could hab more ob them.
o, Jack, u be so sweets. fanks, i feels much better now. now i hafs a good title, i's an Empress. ohhhh, Empress KC. that haf a good sound.
fanks again, sweet Jack.
I wanna pounce and play too! That looks like so much fun!
has ya put the bitey on those wite fingys too? i wanna no whut they taste like
Awww...aren't you just so cute and little! We are here through our friend, Oreo.
Nice box AND packing stuff. Have fun.
Hi KC you sure look like you are having fun in your new box. Looks like you have big snow in there with you.
Hi Missy
WOW! What a nice man to bring that box
If anyone is interested, the man in the brown shorts brought a box like that the other day. I have LOTS of the white stuff inside! I will send you the box with all the "popcorn" still inside. Just email me.
KC, you look like you're having such a great time!
Oh! Is it okay if I teleport over to play in that box with you? I love those packing peanuts! I like to scatter them everywhere and then bark at 'em!
Say the word and I'm there!
Shadow Saluki
I love those things! Only I tend to eat them so my mom never lets me play with them. I guess I'll just live vicariously through you, KC!
That's a great box, KC. Have lots of fun in it and don't let your Mom take it away too soon. Just don't eat the white stuff. It isn't good for kitties.
I don't know if I should leave this down for KC or not. These are larger size packing peanuts and she has absolutely no interest in chewing on them at all. There is a layer in the box about 2" deep, she gets in there and squirms around and molds it to fit her and sleeps for hours.
She is beginning to quiet down a bit from the frantic kitten, thank goodness. She is becoming so affectionate. All the scars on my arms and hands have healed. Guess my kitten is growing up.
I was even thinking about making a fabric 'envelope' to hold the peanuts, keep them contained, yet maybe she could get the same benefit snuggling into them.
I think you were doing an art project, KC! Good work.
A gatorrismo!!! Muhahahahahahahaha!!!
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