Saturday, September 15, 2007

Catnip Ravioli!

The "seriously primo nip" ravioli arrived this morning.
Missy Blue Eyes could hardly stand it...
...till I got it out of the package and she could test it out!
Missy says, fanks, Mom Robyn, u's got tha bestest nip in tha whole wide world.


Anonymous said...

That's it! My Lady is going to order me some of these whether she wants to or not!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Missy said...
You will not regret it. that stuff is good an it lasts a long time.
Purrs, Missy

The Wanderer said...

We has one of those..they are seriously the bestest primo nips ever!!


Daisy said...

Woohoo! I can tell you loves your ravioli. Mine just came, but my Mommie won't open it for me until she can take photos. This is very wrong.

Monty Q. Kat said...

I know where MomBean keeps her plastic card!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That looks soooo yummy!! We need to talk to Mom!

~ Gracie

Hot(M)BC said...

Oh goody, we's glad yoo like yore Nip Ravioli Missy! (It's ok to slobber on them hehehe)

Frostin said...

Hi KC;

I tagged you for Millie's How I got my name meme.

Emma's Kat said...

Emma's eyes got real big when she saw Missy's new toy! I just got her some fresh catnip, dried on the stem, yesterday, and she and the rest of the crew...EVEN Marley, loved it! I'll have to do a post at Emma's. I don't think Marley's ever gotten high w/nip before, lol!

Anonymous said...

Oh I bet it's good stuff. The only bad thing is for Mom Robyn because we've had some of their nip since June or so and it's still good!

sammawow said...

Oh, yummy-yummy!!!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh Missy, you look like you are really enjoying your ravioli!

Nip is good!

The Furry Fighter said...

hehe i love the drug-face in the last picture! xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy,

I just tagged you for Millie's How I got my name meme.

King Obsidian of Frostin's Court

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Hmmmm, I gotta git me sum o' dat...

Marilynn said...

That nip looks good. I should get 3 of them!! Grace & Boys' nip supply is gone, and they need new stuff. I'd better get a move on, huh?


Anita said...

Wow! I like this toy. It´s original.