KC started looking to find a program to make a backup of our blogs. She found what she was looking for on Life Hacker's blog, "Save your weblog with Blogger Backup". The free software, Blogger Backup is very fast and easy to use.
Install and it's ready to go. Enter your Google login and password and it compiles a list of all your blogs or manually enter the URL for each blog.
Next, simply select one of your blogs to back up, click on "Backup Posts" button and it's done. KC had us backed up in no time. There is also a "Restore Posts" button to use, I would imagine, if something ever happened to the contents of your blog. KC will help me test that tomorrow. Now, to play with those cats. And thanks, KC. What would we do without you?
Thanks for the advice and information. I hadn't even thought about being Hijacked...It's nice to know that there is a way to keep all us blogging kitties safe!
Furry good advice! Mommakitty does all our bloggie stuff in HTML, so she just copies da HTML files and puts into a backup text doc weekly.
That's a furry good idea, especially if you's know what HTML is, but does that save tha comments, too? This little program saves effurryfing.
Purrs, KC
Thanks ... it is a fear of our to lose years of stories and memories and hard work! We'll have to do this today!
Thanks, KC. Excellent idea.
I've been manually backing my blogs up by copy/pasting into Word files and then they all get saved onto my back-up drive whenever I back up all my files. This will be easier.
(Grace & Company appreciate the info, too, even if they don't know it!!)
Wow, thanks for the advice KC! You are such a technical kitty! We will tell Mommy right away!
Great picture!!
....I am confused...does Sol have one whisker?.......
Thanks for the great tip. I am going to try it out now!
Oh, I just installed and used it -- what a piece of cake!
Thanks again, KC.
Yay for KC! Woo hoo!
KC< what would we do without you?!
Thanks for the link and smart advice!!
Purrs Mickey
Ok KC, fanks for the advice!!! we will go there right away and download the program!
KC said...
Sanjee haf been doing some beta-testing an says tha little program backs up tha posts and comments but only restores tha posts. i's get in touch wif tha programmers an find out more about that. Still, it's better than losing all ur's blog. an u's do haf a copy of yours comments ta visit. Sigh.
KC said...
Oh, Rosie, no, Sol is not "whisker challenged". Hee hee. if yous can see around tha snots on Sols face lately, him's haf one big white whisker but a bunch of Sol-colored black whiskers.
And Smokey haf a white whisker on each side, which lets us tell him apart from his twin brofur, BJ. If thems whiskers ever fall out, it would be hard to tell who's who. Well, akshully one of them's private parts haf white markings, but whiskers is easier to see. Hee hee.
Purrs, KC
Frisky, Fluffy, Faith, Sonny and Buddy say they are glad one of their humans was able to help.
They say their human spends too much time programming and not enough time playing with them... though they really like playing "catch the mouse(pointer)"
This is Greg, their programming human (They've given me access to the keyboard since I've been a good human today).
I'm glad you all like the utility... Matter of fact I'm working on an updated version, v1.5, as I write this comment.
v1.5 will make it easier to backup a number of blogs at the same time, support restoring from a "all posts in a single file" backup as well as additional backup formats, adding simple HTML, original HTML, MHTML, BlogML and a Table of Contents list (think list of posts titles, with links, by month).
Comment restore is on the list, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to get that in....
I have to go now because Faith says its Love Her time.
Again I'm glad you guys like the utility.
Take care,
Thank you for this important tip, unfortunately I have a Mac and this is for Windows only :( I guess I will have to speak to Frisky, Fluffy, Faith, Sonny and Buddy human about this!
Thanks KC, looks like we is gonna haft make mommy do some work this afternoon...hehehe
Dearest KC,
That is very good advice. You are a very wise person.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang
KC said...
ZS&S, this program is super easy to use, and fast. Just like us cats like. It leafs us lotsa time ta play wif our whirlybirds an then nap.
Hmm ... that sounds like a very good thing to do!
Great advice! Thank you so much KC, you're very smart. I'm going to make mommy do that right now.
I'm so glad the kitten are doing better and you and Missy too!
Dat's furry good advice. Whenefur Mom fixes sumfin on our blog, she seems to brake sumfin, too. Blogger has bilt-in template backup, but not posts.
Soooo... programmed by a cat-owned bean! I shoulda guessed. Where's THEIR blog? :-)
Oooooh, free! I like that word! Up to know we've been having back up copies of our blogs emailed to us but this sounds ever so much more easy, easier, er, easiest, whatever. :D
Um, we are software challenged...ie.stoopid. How do we upload this?
Good idea KC! I never really thought about backing up my blog. Mine mombean is a stickler about backing up everything else.
I'm *so* glad that everyone is feeling better. It must be nice to hear them thundering around.
Hi KC, we downloaded the program,but now we can't figure out how to get to it to back up our Blog!! We are just computer duds!! Where do we go to find the instructions.
Your FL furiends,
And Chandra
KC said...
Furrst of all, you's not stoopid, OK. Here's the page to download from. On that page, go wayyyyy down near the bottom. You'll see the word "Files" and a green icon i's fink is supposed to be a file. Anyways, beside it, it says "BloggerBackupSetup....". Click on that. There's the usual "I accept" fingy to click on. Then you download it. If you haf any trouble, I's be happy to help you. Purrs, KC
pee ess: getting it is the hardest part. i promise.
Frisky asked me to tell you that they are all much to busy to blog... So many humans to keep busy and all that...
Did I get that right, Frisky? Ok...
Sonny wants me to stop typing and move the mouse some more....
KC said...
Samantha, I sended you an email, hope it helps, if not let me know.
An Greg haf posted instruckshuns on how to set it up. Affer I unzipped and set up Blogger Backup, i's had to go back to my list of windows programs to find it, there wasn't a shortcut icon or anyfing. Once you do that, just follow the instructions or click on tha link above and read what Greg writed or even ask me.
KC tha Tecknickle Cat
Thanks for the advice. Had no idea there is a backup for blogger available.
We've been through there like 15 times, clicking on everything that even resembles a link but can not find the download link. How did you download it? With IE?
Jan, Frisky (who if you haven't figured it out yet is the Queen of the house... who is now giving me the "well of course I am" look) told me to post a quick how-to on how to download the utility...
Downloading the Blogger Backup Utility 101
I hope this helps,
We posted this same comment on Greg's blog and appreciate that he took the time to post a download explanation. But we're having a different problem and perhaps one or two others are too.
Hi, You left a message on Missy & KC's blog & KC forwarded it to us. Thank you for going to all that trouble to post this. But our problem is not that we don't know how to download. Our problem is that we can't reach it. We click on the correct spot. However - all we get is the large box and it ends with "possibility of such damage." There is no I AGREE button to push. So our question was do we have to use IE? We use Firefox, if that makes a difference. We're going to post this same comment on KC's blog in case any others are having this same problem.
Jan's Funny Farm
If you're having problems downloading it from CodePlex, try this link
This is a SkyDrive folder/file that has the same v1.0.9.x zip as on the CodePlex Project site. Hopefully this will help a little...
PS. I've already sent Jan (err... I mean, Mercy and Percy) and email with this same info. We'll let you know if it works...
KC, you're a genius! And thanks for being in our very first Carnival of the Cats!
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