Margaret "perked up" right after we went in to see her this morning.
She finally recognized Tazz and then me, too.
The doctor came in while we were there,
Margaret introduced us as her family, so we were able to talk to the doctor.
The problem shown on the lower MRI was a bad kidney infection --
she had just had two kidney stones removed.
The cancer has not spread! Yay.
She has an imbalance of sodium and other minerals, plus the infection.
We will go back to see her this morning
and may able to bring her home as early as Saturday.
Thank you, everyone, for your purrs and your prayers.
I know that is what has made the difference.

Here's a couple of photos of Tazz, Margaret's woofie
(and the Sherwood Bunch's NOMSS),
taken a few minutes ago.
Made prints to take to Margaret in the hospital, hopefully
she will remember who Tazz is.
Tazz doesn't look or act very well, I am worried about her.
You can tell by her pictures she feels bad.
She whimpers and cries all the time,
something she never did before.
Keep Margaret in your prayers today, she is very sick.
If they know what is wrong, they are not saying.
The MRI they did in the ER showed no cancer spread to her brain.
A second MRI, of the mid-section, was taken
but they will not comment on it
(at least to me, not being family).
She finally recognized Tazz and then me, too.
The doctor came in while we were there,
Margaret introduced us as her family, so we were able to talk to the doctor.
The problem shown on the lower MRI was a bad kidney infection --
she had just had two kidney stones removed.
The cancer has not spread! Yay.
She has an imbalance of sodium and other minerals, plus the infection.
We will go back to see her this morning
and may able to bring her home as early as Saturday.
Thank you, everyone, for your purrs and your prayers.
I know that is what has made the difference.

Here's a couple of photos of Tazz, Margaret's woofie
(and the Sherwood Bunch's NOMSS),
taken a few minutes ago.
Made prints to take to Margaret in the hospital, hopefully
she will remember who Tazz is.
Tazz doesn't look or act very well, I am worried about her.
You can tell by her pictures she feels bad.
She whimpers and cries all the time,
something she never did before.
Keep Margaret in your prayers today, she is very sick.
If they know what is wrong, they are not saying.
The MRI they did in the ER showed no cancer spread to her brain.
A second MRI, of the mid-section, was taken
but they will not comment on it
(at least to me, not being family).
Awe, poor old Tazz misses his mommy! We're still purraying fur Miss Margaret...
Oh dear - we're so sorry to hear this! We're all purring like crazy over here.
Oh no . . . I am purring super hard for both Margaret and Tazz. :(
Prayers for one and all.
Purrin furr Miss Margaret....
and Gracie
I am purring for Margaret, and I hope that pictures of Tazz will cheer her up.
Lots of purrayers for Margaret and Tazz.
They must really miss being together. We hope Miss Margaret will enjoy the pictures of Tazz. Maybe you could take something of Tazz's to the hospital for Miss Margaret to hold so you can bring back her scent for Tazz.
purrs and tail wags
Oh we're purring for them both.
We are purrring and purraying for Tazz and Miss Margaret! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, purrrrrrrrrr, purrrrrrs
Your FL furiends,
Wow. Tazz looks very much like Mommy's first woofie girl (Remy) and she looks just as sweet.
We will also purr very hard for Margaret and Tazz.
Purrs and Prayers going up for Tazz and Margaret. Poor Margaret she has really been through a lot. Tazz misses her Momma. She looks so cute in her dress. Hope Margaret recognizes her and it cheers her up.
I will send big purrs and purrayers to both Tazz and Margaret. It does not sound good for either :(
Ah My beautiful Missy Blue Eyes. Sorry I haven't been on in awhile but had to check if I could see you again. What your Mom says is so very true. Your markings are so beautiful, but that's just you Missy Blue Eyes. Beautiful.
So sorry your friends are not well Missy Blue Eyes. Hope they will be well soon.
Your secret Admirer
Sorry to know about Margaret's hurties and that Tazz is sad.
We are sending our purryers for everything to turn out good.
Hugs and kissies,
We are glad Margaret is doing better and they found the problem! Purrrrs and ((((((hugs))))) to her and Tazz!
Your FL furiends,
We are all purring and praying for Margaret and Tazz -- and for you and Charley, too, ML.
Marilynn, Grace & Company
We're glad she perked up and they have found the problem. Tazz is a cutie.
purrs and tail wags
We are purring and purraying that Margaret gets better really soon, and for Tazz too, because she doesn't know what is going on and is really afraid because she isn't with her mommy. You are a great friend to both of them ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan
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