Three guesses what happened to the towels...
and the first two don't count, hee hee!

Why's everyone looking at me?
Faith Boo here, a very important post was made by Rocky of Artsy Catsy this past Friday. Please take a few minutes to go read this. It is, quite simply, one of the best things I have ever read. It even brought tears to Bendrix' eyes.
Well we would guess the SOMEONE with a very foofy tail pulled them down to play with them.
Very good balance there!
Towels belong on the floor. Everybody knows that! Then they've gotta be pounced and chewed and bunny kicked.
ooooh - balance beam! we gotta try that!
Rascal & Riley
Smokey, you and me are two of a kind, my fellow mancat!
Smokey's got a good grip on that towel rack. Now I wonder where the towels went? Could they be on the floor, by any chance?
Wow Smokey, I am impressed! I must give that a try!
uh, Faith Boo - pulling down the towels. well Billy does that too. but we can't walk on our towel rod like Smokey - awesome job dude!
You are so handsome and daring! Thank you so much for the dance Saturday
Smokey, great balance you got there!!! Very impressive!!
Towels....on the floor....hmm...how did that happen??? Just look at that sweet Faith Boo face!!! Very innocent!
What grace and balance! The towels are saved for a comfortable nap later.
Sol, dude, great balancing act. Did you get up to the ceiling?
your bud Pepi
Smokey, you have excellent balance! :)
We must confess, we like to pull down the towels off the towel rack when we are allowed in the bathroom. *blush*
Great job balancing!
Faith Boo - Ivy has learned the hard way that the innocent face doesn't work. ;)
What a great ledge for you to be walking on!
Dear Smokey,
I like to balance on the towel thingy too! You're lucky to have a sister like Faith that clears off the towels for you. My sister doesn't want to do anything exciting because she's afraid of getting in trouble.
Faith, You're really cool for a girl. I like to keep things alive in my house too. But I'm sad because you are better at it than me.
Ya know the Olimpics are happenin soon. Is thare a catagorry for wall mountid balince beem?
Oh and tell Faith Boo she's bin verry bizzy. I'm impresst!
Thanks so much for posting my picture today! I feel LOTS better now about the whole DP Blogger fiasco. You are the best, KC!
Of course she is the best! She's a TORTIE!!!!
~Holly and Ivy,
I don't have any idea why everyone is looking at you, Faith Boo. You just radiate innocence! I'm sure you sat on those towels, tho' to keep them from slithering away!
Dear Missy,
How wonderful to meet another Tabby! We are truly beautiful in all of our tabby-patterns and shades, I agree.
Abby Normal
Am-aze-ing balance. We am in awe of yur precise paw and toe gripping man-oooh-vers on dat rod. Towel-less now but it must be just so you can show how good yur balance is.
Wow! You is a tightrope, no, a shower curtain rod walker!
I am busting out laughing here at little Faith Boo and the expression on her face with that caption. ROFLMAO!
Oh my Bast! I'm going to have to try that!!
Smokey here,
If there are going to be olympics, there should be a section for both towel bar walking AND the more elite shower curtain bar walking.
Come on, dudes, dude-ettes, practice, practice, practice.
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