I've been staying indoors, looking at the snow falling outside my window.

It's probably not a lot of snow for most of you, but for us, it is an event.
Houston never has snow... and never before January.
Well, last year we had a few flakes around December 10th.
Nothing like this!

Mommie's car (the black one) covered with snow.
Do you get to sit by a fire? That is the best when it is snowy and cold outside.
Wooooo snow! Stay warm and cosy indoors!
We understand how excited you are about your snow. We felt the same way about ours.
Oh I know what you mean, it snowed once in FL it was ice by morning but just hearing about it made me super excited. Now I'm in CT and snow excites me everytime!!!
*cough* ~snoort~~
We're not Too Jealous...
Looking at that snow makes us feel cold.
Oh you stay indoors and snuggle up cause the white stuff is not good at all. Hugs GJ xx Looks pretty though..
We live in Los Angeles, so we never get to see even that little bit of snow! In fact, I'm not even sure what this snow substance is. Is it edible? Is it fluffy and cozy? Does it crinkle?
Oh what a neat picture of you Missy Blue Eyes. I'll slip over and keep you warm.
Yes, we know how you feel about your snow, we felt the same way when it snowed when we lived at our other place. It is only twenty miles from here but it is a little higher in elevation where we would get it now and then. Mom was hoping so much that it would snow again before we moved but it didn't happen. It is forcasted for snow in the valley this weekend but Mom says she'll believe that when she sees it. To Sparky, it snowed in Los Angeles many many years ago. Mom told me it was when she was a child and she skipped school that day and the next day she had to get up in front of the class and tell all about it. LOL. Many kids skipped school that day. Real Big Deal for L.A.
That's a lot of snow for Houston. I hope there weren't a lot of fender benders from people trying to drive in it.
There were a lot of traffic problems. Mommy ML lived in Dallas an is [somewhat] used to driving on ice. But most of tha folks here just freaked out at tha snow.
Jus like I's sure that you that live up North are laffing about ours taking on over tha little "blizzard".
It sure made a nice, snuggly day to stay indoors. We's haffed homemade soup an fresh bread, so it was fun.
Love & Purrs,
Houston, you have a problem?
Maybe Dushi can come over, he has been training to be a snow catcher.
Stay inside and stay warm and safe! We think snow is purrty to look at but we're glad it doesn't snow here in Florida!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
This is really weird. You got snow, and we got temperatures in the high 60's.
Enjoy the snow! Keep it all winter, Mom says!
Wow! You musta got our snow...mom says that's okay...you can keep it...she thinks we'll get some too....
Sniff, sniff! We didn't even get as much snow as you did -- but we had to work hard to stay warm, even though the furnace seemed to be running all day!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Snow? SNOW?!? In TEXAS?? You have SNOW? You can GET snow?!?
That's terrible!!!!
Ok, I am very worried for you all, so me and Persephone made a Cold Weather Survival Guide and posted it on our blog so you know what to do! And I'll be right down to help, as soon as I put the OTW to bed!
So that is what the snow looks like. I have been hearing the mom talk about it and also the weatherman but I have not seen it yet as this is my first time around the calendar with everything. Did you get a lot of it at your place? Stay inside and keep warm.
We have added some suggestions to our cold weather survival guide. We hope you don't mind, but we borrowed a picture of BJ on the 'lectric blanket, 'cause we don't have one of those.
Enjoy it while it lasts! You have had more snow that I have this year, at least so far.
Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We live in the "frozen north" and we do not have snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heehee
We think Mother Nature is a tad confused ;)
Mom said we will have a bit of snow tonight :o
Should we forward it to you? hahaha
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
We got some snow here today, and we want to say we luff your tummy furrs...they will keep you warm
Hi ML,
I just wanted to stop by and say we've been thinking about and missing you and the gang!
We are jealous you have snow. Not a snowflake here in Vienna yet!
Thanks for joining WCB this Weekend.
We got that snow too last night! Stay warm!
Wow, look at that purrty snow!
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