Cats Cool Off
With the heat index around 115F during the day,
the kitties are looking for ways to keep cool and relax.
KC tries a modified "road kill" position in front of the fan.
Must not have worked, because she finally falls asleep on her treehouse.
(Note the lovely "golden paw" hanging down)
Missy finds an empty bookcase...
(any guesses who emptied it?)

...but moves back by my desk to finish her nap.
(Aren't her paws and markings beautiful?)

Sol naps completely hidden from view. (ha ha)
And finally, even tiny Texas tornado torties have to sleep.
She's no doubt dreaming up new adventures.
Thanks to everyone for your emails and calls about Margaret.
They just admitted her and will keep her next to ICU for observation.
Don't know what is wrong right now, she says she is exhausted.
I'll see her tomorrow afternoon, Charley has an appointment in the morning.
With the heat index around 115F during the day,
the kitties are looking for ways to keep cool and relax.
KC tries a modified "road kill" position in front of the fan.

(Note the lovely "golden paw" hanging down)

(any guesses who emptied it?)

...but moves back by my desk to finish her nap.
(Aren't her paws and markings beautiful?)

Sol naps completely hidden from view. (ha ha)

She's no doubt dreaming up new adventures.

Thanks to everyone for your emails and calls about Margaret.
They just admitted her and will keep her next to ICU for observation.
Don't know what is wrong right now, she says she is exhausted.
I'll see her tomorrow afternoon, Charley has an appointment in the morning.
115? yikes! no wonner yur all layin' around doin' nuffin. we duzzn't get much more than a few 100 degree days, an that's good on account of we've got no a/c.
KC said...
it's been awhile since we's posted a Missy Blue Eyes pickshure, fink tha Secret Admirer(s) will notice????
That sounds very hot (although we have no idea what that is in degrees Celcius). We hope you can all stay cool!
Awwwwwww those pics of the Sherwood bunch are just too cute!!
we are purring and purraying for Margret!!
Dragonheart and Merlin:
115°F would be 46.1 °C - now that IS very hot!
That is furry hot ~ it's hot here too..btw we fink Miss Faith emptied the bookcase he he...
Has Miss Faith taken all of books off of the bookcases? Whew 115 degrees is furry hot! i would stay in front of the fan too.
KC said...
Now, member, that 115F is a HEAT INDEX, a "feels like" temperature. We don't gets it that hot here.
It wuz about 97F akshun degrees, but wif high humidity an no winds an lots of sun... well, it wuz hot an sticky.
An of course, we's got tha air condishuning on... it stays on almost year round.
Hmmmm, just noticed some comments. How did every cat guess it was me that played "Will it break or will it bounce" with the bookcase?
~ Faith Boomerang
You all stay cool! That's hot! It actually has cooled off over here on the east coast. We had temps of 110 w/the heat index last week. You know...I don't think I've ever seen KC's tummy that exposed, lol. What a beatiful tummy it is!
I'll be keeping Margaret in my thoughts and prayers!
I HATEHATEHATE the heat! It is so hard to find a comfy sleeping spot.
I'll be purring for Margaret.
Have good naps yall!!!
Them's cute pikshurs.
WOW 115!?! We're at 70 for a high today!
I love love love the Sol pic where he's "completely hidden"!!! Ha!
You remember to take care of YOURSELF too now, ML, you here?
Love ya,
We'll be purring and praying for Margaret and Charley -- and for you, too, ML. I'm also praying for a brother-in-law who's having an angiogram this morning and for his wife who must endure the agony of the unknown. Lots of praying this morning.
Marilynn, Grace & Company
Wow! That's hot. Come visit us. We're down in the 60's.
Nothing like a hot day to get kitties to show off all their byootiful markings. I like the "road kill" position best!
I enjoyed the Monday post about all the havoc that Faith Boo caused! Way to go, girl!
Good job trying to keep cool you guys!
Airing out the tummy is a good way to keep cool!
on days that hot the only thing worth doing is napping. Keep up the good work!
Ack, dat's like really yukky hot! We finally gots to turn off da a/c and enjoy some breezes! Concats on winning over at GMC's we haf a feeling dat da bed is gonna get lots of use.
Those are great ways to cool off! I hope the weather cools down soon!
115F????? Jeepers!!!!! It never gets that hot here. W think 80 is hot :)
KC and Missy are both beautiful kitties!
Purrs for Margaret too :)
Purrs Mickey
you shoulds cum to Kansas and get cooled off!! Weze keeps havin rain.
Ooh I knoh who "No Name" iz at Zoolatry!!
and KC, you gotz purrfectly bootifull tummee!
-Katie Too, back frum my all nite Ninja Cat Meeting.
Ahh...sleeping kitties!!! Is there anything more sweet? So, Faith finally wore herself out? :)
Hope today is a great one! cute! No fun being hot!
Gosh, that's a heck of a lot of heat. Must have some humidity there. It's Texas. Heard it's in the 100's down in So. Calif. But it might not be where Grr, Midnight and Cocoa are as I think they are by the ocean. I give odds that it was Faith that did the book case in. Hi pretty Missy, sleep well.
Aha, just read some of the comments. It was Faith that did the book case in.
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